Access to products - product edit page

As it was described in what module creates after installation - this module on product edit page creates special section where you - as an admin of the shop can manage settings of the restrictions that will be applicable only to this product. This section allows you to select groups of customers for which module will apply restrictions (access or block possibility to access - see "access settings" feature on module configuration page)

Product edit page cusomer group access

If you will open tab "customer group access to products" that is available inside left hand menu - you will see the restriction settings. Select groups of customers for which module will apply rules related to appearance / order privileges. This what module will do for selected groups you can define on main module configuration page.

For example:
If you will select "customer" and "test group" here and if you will define option that module "allows" to see / order product - all customers associated with these groups will have possiibility to order / see it. Other customers (not associated with these groups) will not have possibilities to order / see this product.