Prestashop Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony

With this module you can replace standard "add to cart" action on product pages with redirection to some specific url. Each product can have own specific url to external website - you can define such url on product edit page in shop's back office.

Wersja sklepu 8.x, 1.7.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Dostępne wersje językowe
Wersja modułu 1.3.8
  • Pewne źródło pochodzenia modułu Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony
  • Support do modułu Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony
  • Bezpłatne aktualizacje modułu Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony
  • Otwarty kod - możliwość wprowadzania zmian Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony
  • Moduł Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony działa z PrestaShop 1.7
  • Moduł Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony działa z PrestaShop 8.0

Opis modułu: Prestashop Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony

As you already know - with this plugin you can replace "add to cart" button on product pages with link to specific url. You can use there external urls to other websites / marketplaces. It's great if you want to promote your offer on amazon, allegro or other popular marketplaces.

add to cart replace with link to page

Configuration page

Configuration process of module is very easy. Module creates special section on each product edit page where you can just type url. If you will fill out this special field with valid url - module will automatically replace product page add to cart button action with link to this specific url. If you want to remove feature - just empty the url field on product edit page and standard "add to cart" process will start to work as it works by default.

Przykłady wykorzystania modułu: Prestashop Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony

Powiązane Video: Prestashop Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony

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Opinie o module: Prestashop Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony

Wszystkie oceny tego modułu zostały wystawione przez klientów, którzy kupili tę wtyczkę. Jeżeli chcesz dodać swój komentarz do zakupionego modułu - poczekaj 2 tygodnie. Na maila prześlemy Ci automatyczną wiadomość kierującą do formularza który umożliwi dodanie oceny
Average grade

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

feature under construction

Powiązane posty z bloga

Aktualnie brak powiązanych artykulow

Podmiana dodaj do koszyka na link do strony Changelog - informations o aktualizacjach


- added improvements to module code to avoid notifications about unidentified variables



- added improvements to module workflow in terms of old php releases

- it has strpos function now (it does not use str_contains anymore to avoid errors in old php releases)



- added new feature to replace add to cart button with button to add to cart different product

- to use this feature it's enough to fill out field with shortcode: idproduct=x where X is the product id that you want to add to cart



- added improvements to save process of url value in prestashop 8.1

- added improvements to search tool to search products on main module configuration page (where it is possible to configure module's visibility restrictions)



- added new feature to decide if new urls should be openen in the same window or in new one (new tab)

- added support of prestashop 8.x



- added new option to disable tooltip that appears over the button that redirects user to defined url

- added new option to activate rel="" parameter for this button with nofollow value



- added multistore support

- from now each shop can have own unique url associated with product



- added improvements to module to make it work with theme where the "ajax cart" is disabled

- added improvements to module workflow in "quick view" window (from now module replaces the "add to cart" button here as well)



- added new feature to limit module workflow for some specific items only

- you can point products by category, or point exact products

- module will be applicable for these products only

- module is applicable to list of products now (custom themes - prestashop in version 1.7 does not have add to cart button on list of products by default)



- added new feature to replace "add to cart" button text with own text (you can define it on configuration page of module)

- added new feature to hide "quantity" field on product page



- added improvements to save process of url

- added updates checker that checks for module updates automaticall



started project on mypresta addons marketplace


39.99 €
Dodaj do koszyka

Sprawdź demo online

This is demo page of module. You can check module workflow on real product page. Once you will click on "add to cart" button - you will be redirected to specific url defined on configuration of module.

Galeria Modułu