Ikony na stronę produktu to moduł, który umożliwia dodanie ikon informacyjnych do produktu. Te piktogramy zawierają treść informacyjną, np. związaną z użytkowaniem przedmiotu, zawierajają opis specyfikacji przedmiotu itp. Zapraszam do rzozszerzonego opisu w celu zdobycia większej ilości informacji o tym module
Ten responsywny moduł PrestaShop pozwala na utworzenie piktogramów i umieszczenie ich na stronach Twoich produktów. oraz na listach produktów przy każdym produkcie. Każdy z produktów może być powiązany z zupełnie innymi ikonami, niż pozostałe produkty. Poniżej przeczytasz więcej informacji które dotyczą konfiguracji i możliwości modułu. Zaletą modułu jest opcja, która pozwala definiować ikony dla tagów produktu. Wówczas na stronach produktów, które powiązane są z takimi tagami, moduł wyświetli tagi w formie ikon.
3 types of icons associations with product | ||
direct association product - icon | association with product's tags | associations with product's features |
Module gives you possibility to define direct association between product and icon. This means that you can manually assign icon to product. | Module gives you possibility to define association between icon and product's tags. This means that icons associated with tags will appear on all product pages that have this tag | Module gives you possibility to define association between icon and product's features. This means that icons associated with features will appear on all product pages that have these features. |
Najważniejsze funkcjonalności modułu
- solved problem with error caused by missing function hookfooterproduct
- added improvements to module usage in environment based on php 8.1.x
- added new feature to associate icons with attribute values
- this feature will display icon for product if product combination will be associated with selected attribute value
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7.x and 8.x to avoid ajax queries internal server error 500
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.6.x to avoid ajax queries internal sever error 500
- improved module workflow (installation) in prestashop 8.1
- added fixes to feature to search for feature value (icons for specific features)
- added security improvements to avoid sql injections
- added fixes to appearance of notification about unidentified index id_icon
- added improvements to appearance of list of tags on module configuration page (for icons that are associated with tag)
- added feature to associate icons with product categories.
- from now all products from category can be associated with icon
- from now you can decide about visibility of custom icons, tag icons, feature icons independently in each position
- added improvements to module appearance on product pages associated with selected feature and with selected tags
- added improvements to the module to avoid conflict with iquitThemeEditor module that does not follow the prestashop standards and includes own jquery libraries that affects back office in prestashop
- added new feature to associate tags with product's features
- if you update module - you need to reinstall it (do not worry, module will remember all its settings)
- added missing url feature to module dedicated for prestashop 1.7.x
- from now icons can be associated with defined url, this means that icon will be clickable and it will redirect customer to new page
- added new feature to select size of icon, you can now select one from: 64px, 48px, 32px, 24px
- added improvements to module configuration page
- from now you can decide directly on module's configuration page about position where module will display icons
- added improvements to appearance of icons on list of products
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added improvements to module's javascript scripts
- added improvements to module usage in multistore and multilanguage environments
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- added support of upcoming prestashop 1.7.6.x
- added possibility to turn on / turn off usage of fontAwesome library, both in front office and back office
- added improvements to module usage on list of products with custom hook 'ShowIcons'
- added improvements to support of prestashop 1.7.5.x
- added feature to define different icons for various languages
- due to the change in the database this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added feature to automatically check for availability of module's updates
- added feature to use custom hook: {hook h='ShowIcons' product=$product}
- thanks to this feature you can put icons on product page anywhere you want
- you can also use it to show icons on list of products (product miniature in product.tpl file or in product-list.tpl file)
- added support of position displayProductListReviews in PrestaShop 1.7.x
- changed the tooltips library name to other to avoid conflicts with other modules that use tooltipster
- added icons to module menu in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to list of associations, module does not show duplicated entries anymore
- added support of new positions on product page in PrestaShop 1.7: displayProductPriceBlock, displayProductAdditionalInfo, displayAfterProductThumbs
- added improvements to font awesome icons selection feature
- added better visual design of "save" button
- updated the workflow of tooltips when you use module like infinite scrool etc.
- tooltips are created properly even if you will use third party solutions to change the list of products
- added updates checker feature to inform you about available module updates
- added feature to define "url" for icons, if enabled - you will be able to add a lnk to icon
- added improvements to page where you can create new icons
- now icons appears also on product listing pages (like category page etc.)
- added improvements related to module usage in prestashop 1.7.x
- added fixes to module workflow in PrestaShop 1.7 back office
- updated module translations (added missed translations like Polish language)
- added support of PrestaShop 1.7
- added option to turn on / off font awesome icons (necessary in PS 1.7 because it does not support font awesome by default)
- feature to define icons for product tags
- module will automatically display these tags as icons on product pages (if product will be associated with these tags)
- improved appearance of icons (both font awesome and custom images)
- possibility to display mixed icons (icons for product tags, custom icons)
- possibility to display mixed types of icons (image icons, font awesome icons)
started project on mypresta store
To jest link do demonstracyjnego sklepu, do strony produktu która zawiera szereg ikon. W tym: ikony dla tagów, własne ikony, ikony font awesome, ikony jako obrazki.
to jest strona demonstracyjna modułu gdzie można zarządzać ikonami, dodawać nowe oraz dodawać powiązania z produktami. W celu zalogowania się wykorzystaj login oraz hasło poniżej:
login: demo@demo.com
hasło: demodemo