Ten moduł pozwala w łatwy sposób zbudować slider, który będzie wysuwał się w momencie gdy odwiedzający sklep najedzie na niego myszką, lub gdy w niego kliknie. Narzędzie pozwala wyświetlać dokładnie takie treści - jakie chcemy. Dzięki wudowanemu edytorowi wyswietlimy zdjęcia, filmy, bądź najzwyklejszy tekst. Rozszerzony opis modułu znajduje się poniżej.
As we already mentioned - with this module you can build fancy contents slider that will extend from the edge of the window. It's great tool to display some important things for your customers. Configuration of the module allows to insert it to the both edges of the window, and put it exactly there in Y axis - where you want.
Module features
Custom button
Start animation event
Width and height of the contents
Custom contents
possibility to use smarty syntax thanks to "smarty templates manager"
this means that you can build dynamic contents based on dynamic variables available in smarty templates feature in prestashop
- added new feature to use smarty syntaxt in contents.
- feature to define smarty shortcodes is available under "contents editor" named as "smarty templates manager" where you can create unlimited number of smarty templates
- added feature to support themes without "footer" hook support
- module configuration page allows to decide where module will include own libraries (header / footer)
- added feature to automatically check for module updates
- added improvements to module scripts to support hover effect in a batter way
- added feature to create content slider at the bottom of the page (bottom edge of browser)
added fixes to addon appearance on prestashop 1.7 (alpha 4 release currently)
started project on mypresta.eu addons marketplace