Prestashop Ochrona formularza rejestracji

Za pomocą tego modułu zablokujesz możliwość tworzenia kont spamerom oraz botom spamującym. Moduł do blokady tworzenia fałszywych kont klientów wykorzystuje własny algorytm identyfikujący spam oraz zewnętrzne api identyfikujące spamerów.

Wersja sklepu 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
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Wersja modułu 1.7.2
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  • Otwarty kod - możliwość wprowadzania zmian Ochrona formularza rejestracji
  • Moduł Ochrona formularza rejestracji działa z PrestaShop 1.7
  • Moduł Ochrona formularza rejestracji działa z PrestaShop 1.6
  • Moduł Ochrona formularza rejestracji działa z PrestaShop 1.5
  • Moduł Ochrona formularza rejestracji działa z PrestaShop 8.0

Opis modułu: Prestashop Ochrona formularza rejestracji

As you already know main feature of this plugin is feature to block fake customer register attempts. Module blocks spammers with success thanks to its spam identification algorithm and external api from StopForumSpam service. Thanks to this is blocks up to 99% fake spam customer creation attempts.


spam protection customer register form


How it identifies SPAM?

Each time someone creates an account in shop module checks the register attempt details and logs it in module's database

If some IP address or email address will be identified as SPAM attempt - module blocks register and bans IP of spammer


Spam identificaiton algorithm

Module has own internal algorithm to identify fake mass cart cration attempts. How does it work? Usually spam attempts come from the same IP. Module analyses the traffic and if some ip address will reach the defined limits (you can control the sensitivity) - it will start to block all attempts from this ip.


Control the sensitivity of algorithm

Module configuration page has feature to control the sensitivity of spam identification algorithm. Sensitivity is based on time frame and on number of customer register attempts in the indicated time frame.


Support of reCaptcha

Jedną z dodatkowych metod pozwalających zablokować spam jest funkcjonalność reCaptcha. Jest to wszystkim znany checkbox autorstwa google, który pozwala łatwo zidentyfikować spamerów. Oprócz tego, jeżeli chodzi o funkcjonalność reCAPTCHA - ta wtyczka wspiera funkcjonowanie reCAPTCHA w wersji 3, dając możliwość utworzenia nieinwazyjnej protekcji która identyfikuje realne wizyty.


Support of external spam identification service

Module has feature to support StopForumSpam service Api. How does it work? Let's describe what the StopForumSpam feature is.

Stop Forum Spam is a free service  that records reports of spam on forums, blogs and wikis to name a few. All these records are then made available to you search and view but most importantly, to access in an automated way to block suspected spammers before they can get in the front door. Everyone is familiar with more traditional "solve the word" systems to prevent abuse, Stop Forum Spam is a targeted and specialsed solution to help stop abuse of your website.


In addition we decided to add support of CleanTalk service. For free!

CleanTalk is a Cloud-Based spam filtering service that allows you to protect your website from spam. CleanTalk provides spam protection that invisible to visitors without using captcha or other methods when visitors have to prove that they are real peoples.

CleanTalk provides cloud anti-spam solutions for CMS and we developed plugins for the most of popular CMS: WordPress anti-spam plugin, Joomla anti-spam plugin, Drupal and etc. With our simple cloud spam checker, you can be sure your website is protected from spam bots, spam comments, and users.

So, when someone try to create an account in shop - module checks this customer register attempt with StopForumSpam api. This feature identifies even 99% of spam attempts and thanks to this - you can block spammers with success. So we strongly recommend to use it.

Whitelist feature

Moduł umożliwia wykluczenie zdefiniowanych adresów IP z procesu sprawdzania SPAMU. Dzięki temu, dla wybranych adresów nie zostanie zainicjowana funkcja weryfikująca numer IP w serwisach identyfikujących SPAM.


Protection type

If module will identify register attempt as a spam attempt, you can:

  1. Block ip address of spammer  - it will not have possibility to reach your website. You - as a merchant - have possibility to manage banned ip addresses, you can unban selected ip addresses, add bans manually etc.
  2. Block possibility to create customer account from IP  - banned visitor will have possibility to reach your website but register form will be blocked. So each customer creation attempt from this ip will be blocked automatically
  3. Send email to shop owner  - module has feature to send email with information about fake customer register attempt each time it will identify fake customer creation attempt
  4. Create 301 redirection  that will confuse spam/bot. Usually spam systems are based on database where spammers store vulnerable urls. If there will be 301 redirection - your url will be removed from spammers database


anti-spam module for prestashop

Przykłady wykorzystania modułu: Prestashop Ochrona formularza rejestracji

  • Blokada spamerów tworzących konta klientów
  • Blokada botów tworzących konta
  • Blokada fałszywych kont klientów
  • Blokada rejestracji dla spamerów
  • reCaptcha w formularzu rejestracji

Powiązane Video: Prestashop Ochrona formularza rejestracji

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Opinie o module: Prestashop Ochrona formularza rejestracji

Wszystkie oceny tego modułu zostały wystawione przez klientów, którzy kupili tę wtyczkę. Jeżeli chcesz dodać swój komentarz do zakupionego modułu - poczekaj 2 tygodnie. Na maila prześlemy Ci automatyczną wiadomość kierującą do formularza który umożliwi dodanie oceny
Average grade

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

feature under construction

Powiązane posty z bloga

Aktualnie brak powiązanych artykulow

Ochrona formularza rejestracji Changelog - informations o aktualizacjach


- added support of paid version of cleantalk blacklists database api



- added support of reCAPTCHA v3



- improved module workflow in context of its usage in prestashop 8.x and environment based on php 8.x



- added improvements to recently added whitelist feature to avoid problems with whitelisted ip identification process



- added whitelist featute (you can exclude ip address from spam verification check)



- added improvements to customer account creation process in shop's back office (to avoid problems with account creation)



- added improvements to save process of StopFormSpam settings



- added feature to enable / disable protection for specific modules (when user account is created with integrations like eBay integration, Allegro integration etc.)

- added improvements to updates checker feature

- added missing translations



- you can decide what module will do when customer will not pass reCaptcha test

- from now you can redirect user to homepage or spawn message about failed reCaptcha test



- added improvements related to language identification process in customer register form



- added improvements to main module library to avoid problem with re-captcha site key



- redesigned configuration page of the module

- added feature to activate / deactivate anti-flood algorith

- from now each spam identification method can be activated / deactivated separately



- added support of cleanTalk service

- added support of reCaptcha



- implemented free cleantalk api service check



- added improvements to module configuration page related to translations and additional informations about configuration of options



- relesed version dedicated for prestashop 1.5.x 



- added improvements to spam identification api (it checks not only ip but also email address)



- added German and Polish translations



- started project on addons marketplace