With this module you can automatically change status of order to another. Module is executed when you or module (like payment module) changes order status. If you will point that one status should be changed to another immediately - our module will do this. As an example - when paypal marks order with status "payment accepted" - you can automatically change it to "in progress".
As you already know - with this module you can change order status from one to another. Module is spawned when you or some payment module like paypal, cash on delivery, stripe etc. change order status. Our module can immediately change it to new one once module will identify status change to selected one.
Configuration of module
Main configuration of module has a list of all available order states. Near each status you can select new one. Module will change order status to selected state. As we show on picture below.
Examples of usage
- added feature to change order status of order only if it was an order for products from selected supplier(s)
- released version that is ready to work with prestashop 8.x
- added feature to limit module workflow for orders that was placed for selected products only (select exact products or point categories)
- added improvements to module updates checker
- added support of prestashop 1.6
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace