Ten moduł pozwala z łatwością aktualizować kursy wymiany walut w Twoim sklepie PrestaShop. Moduł aktualizuje kursy wymiany walut na podstawie tablicy kursów publikowanej przez Narodowy Bank Czeski (CNB - Česká národní banka). Jest to doskonała alternatywna dla standardowej funkcji wymiany kursów która nie zawsze działa poprawanie i zawiera błędne kursy (inne niż centralny bank danego kraju - w tym przypadku główny bank Czech).
This PrestaShop module allows to automatically change currency rates in your online shop with rates from Česká národní banka (CNB) (Narodowy Bank Czeski). Whole process of currency update is automatic and it is based on CronJobs like default feature. List below shows all currency rates available in the module. It can supports more currencies because CZK from time-to-time adds new currencies.
Lista walut, które aktualizowane są za pośrednictwem tego modułu
USD | US dollar |
JPY | Japanese yen |
BGN | Bulgarian lev |
CZK | Czech koruna (domyślna waluta kursów) |
DKK | Danish krone |
GBP | Pound sterling |
HUF | Hungarian forint |
PLN | Polish zloty |
RON | Romanian Lei |
SEK | Swedish krona |
CHF | Swiss franc |
NOK | Norwegian krone |
HRK | Croatian kuna |
RUB | Russian rouble |
TRY | Turkish lira |
AUD | Australian dollar |
BRL | Brazilian real |
CAD | Canadian dollar |
CNY | Chinese yuan renminbi |
HKD | Hong Kong dollar |
IDR | Indonesian rupiah |
ILS | Israeli shekel |
INR | Indian rupee |
KRW | South Korean won |
MXN | Mexican peso |
MYR | Malaysian ringgit |
NZD | New Zealand dollar |
PHP | Philippine peso |
SGD | Singapore dollar |
THB | Thai baht |
ZAR | South African rand |
As I already mentioned this module automatically changes the currency rates. There is also possibility to update currencies any time you want. It is enough to click on special link in shop back office. Right after you will access to page - module will update all currencies available in the shop.
Percentage impact on conversion rate
Module allows to define an impact on conversion rate. You can increase / decrease it by percentage value. Each currency that you've got in your shop can have own unique conversion rate impact (decrease or increase) and own impact percentage value. Module, while it will upate the currency rates from euopean central bank will apply an impact automatically.
- improved appearance of currency rates update report
- added feature to automatically check for module's updates
- added feature to increase / decrease currency rate with %
- added improvements to cron task to update currencies
- added improvements to currencis that have multiplied rates
started project on myprsta.eu addons marketplace