Kelkoo pomaga sklepom reklamować swoje produkty i przedstawiać je milionom konsumentów za pośrednictwem sieci wiodących wydawców na całym świecie. Moduł do śledzenia konwersji pozwala zintegrować sprzedaż w sklepie z systemem trackingu w Kelkoo.
Kelkoo Sales Tracking is a tracking system to review your performance in a better and more detailed way. With Kelkoo system You’ll be able to get all of your sales data in one place, You’ll have the opportunity to evaluate performance at a category or campaign level and have precious insights. Data in kelkoo are updated daily, but in the nearest future they plan to update hourly, giving almost real-time updates. With this prestashop module you can track your sales.
Kelko sales tracking module features
You can personalize the tracking system. Module allows to specify some improtant settings so you will be able to build tracking that will meet your requirements. Below you can find additional informations about current module features.
- released version that is ready to work in prestashop 8.x
- migrated to support of kelkoo v2
- added improvements to support of prestashop 1.7
-bstarted project on addons marketplace