With this PrestaShop module you can add special buttons to your shop that will allow to log in / register with PayPal account. Your customers will be able to log in and to register from most important places in your shop (like navigation bar, authentication page, register page, order process etc.)
This is PrestaShop addon that creates feature to register and log in with PayPal account. This is great feature especially if you supports PayPal payment. Your customers will be able to quickly create an account and log in to your shop with their PayPal accounts. Module creates these buttons in most important places in your shop (from login / register process flow view) like displayNav, displayTop (top section of shop), on authentication page and during the order process.
Main features of PayPal connect module
Of course the main and most important feature of this module is possibility to connect with PayPal account. Users can register an account and log in to your shop with their PayPal accounts. Module configuration page contains several features to define PayPal connection details, appearance of the module and option to select customer group (module will assing customer to this group). Module can appear in sections like:
check how it works - showcase video
- added improvements to login process in prestashop 1.7.6.x releases
- added improvements to module usage in secured environment
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7 popupLogin window
- added impovements to module workflow and the way of how it builds login urls
- added updates checker - module will check automatically for upgrades
- changed the text on login buttons to just "log in" - like in other login modules from our offer
- added improvements related to module usage in ssl environments
- added support of account activation by email module.
- when customer uses paypal login - it is not required to confirm register process with email link
- added improvements to hook save process and support of displayNav position in PrestaShop 1.6.x
- added fixes to customer's first name and last name
- added fixes to prestashop 1.7.x, now module does not spawn error about unindentified index ppl_psver
- new version of module is available to download.
- added fixes related to prestashop 1.7.x and support of new positions:
- displayNav1 - this is position for PrestaShop 1.7.x, it appears at the top left section of the page, there where "contact us" button appears
- displayNav2 - this is also position for prestashop 1.7.x - it appears on the top right section - there where login / register button is available by default
- displayCustomerAccountFormAfter - position that is available on customer login page, right below the form to login
- added support of paypal oauth2 login process
- added fixes to paypal module register process
- added option that allows to send "welcome" email after customer will register with paypal
- started to log changes in the module with this changelog
- module fully supports prestashop 1.7.x
- new positions available - positions where you can display "login with paypal" button