Prestashop Facebook product share + discount code

This module creates special button on each product page for sharing product on facebook timeline. Module also allows you to create special discount codes for customers who share the product on timeline. After share - they will see special popup with voucher code.

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x, 1.4.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 3.2.1
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
  • Trusted developer of module Facebook product share + discount code
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  • Open source - you can edit module code Facebook product share + discount code
  • Module Facebook product share + discount code works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Facebook product share + discount code works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Facebook product share + discount code works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Facebook product share + discount code works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Facebook product share + discount code works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Facebook product share + discount code

This module is an advertising & marketing tool for your prestashop store. Increase your page views, increase your income with this social network module.  As we said, module allows to share products on facebook. After each share - you can give voucher codes for customers.  This module is an excellent alternative for the standard "block share" module. Read more about features below the box.


facebook product share + discount code



Facebook product share + voucher code module main features

Main feature of this prestashop addon is a possibility to create button / link to share products on Facebook. After each share - your customers are able to get personal voucher code, voucher value depends on voucher settings in the module configuration page. 


Configuration of the module

You - as a shop administror of the shop - have got possibility to configure it exactly as you want. You can set up the most important settings related to the module.


Define position of the button, which mean that you can create "share on facebook" button in the:

  • extraLeft hook - Called right before the "Print" link, under the picture
  • extraRight hook - Called right after the block for the "Add to Cart" button
  • productActions hook - Called inside the block for the "Add to Cart" button, right after that button
  • productFooter hook - Called right before the tabs
  • rightColumn - Called inside right clumn of your store (only od product page)
  • You can display button only for selected products (related to other feature: Select products for which voucher code will be active)
  • You can activate option to send an email to customer with code (email from facebook)


Define usage of the Facebook APP

  1. This is very usefull tool, you can turn off app usage (if you use another facebook app on your website) or you can turn it on (when you don't use other facebook app on your website).
  2. You can also define APP ID - this is necessary for this module.
  3. You can select button style. You've got two possibilities: modern & simple.


Share settings

you can select image type to share on facebook wall. It mean, that you can select default product image which will be visible on the facebook wall ( timeline ). Module by default shares the standard product name, description and image. From version 2.9 you can decide if module will use Open Graph module, or not. So with this feature you can easily control what informations will appear on timeline after product share!


Two voucher share settings

  1. one share = one voucher - customer who share product on own wall will get discount for each share. In simple words it mean: new share, new discount.
  2. voucher code for certain number of shares - you can define number of shares for which voucher code will be generated. It mean that customer have to share for example 10 products to get own voucher code.
    if you will use second option you can also define how long customer must have to wait to receive another coupon
  3. Module has option to add voucher code to cart automatically (right after customer will receive it)


Advanced options related to coupon settings

Main voucher code settings

  1. You can define voucher code name in each language active in your shop
  2. You can define description of voucher code (visible only for you)
  3. You can define number of characters used in automatically generated voucher code
  4. You can enable or disable voucher code sufix
  5. You can define sufix in each language active / available in your shop
  6. You can enable or disable voucher code prefix
  7. You can define prefix in each language active / available in your shop
  8. You can Highlight voucher code in the cart summary
  9. You can enable or disablee "partial use" option - this feature is applicable if the voucher is greater than the cart total)
  10. You can define voucher code "priority" option, A cart rule with priority of "1" will be processed before a cart rule with a priority of "2"
  11. You can define if voucher code will be active / or disabled right after generation


Voucher code conditions

  1. You can define how long voucher code will be active. You can define this option in days.
  2. You can define minimum cart value, for which voucher code will be active.
  3. You can define minimum cart value currency (you can select currency from all available currencies in your shop)
  4. You can define tax options for minimum cart value (tax included or excluded)
  5. You can define shipping option for minimum cart value (shipping included or excluded)
  6. You can define Total available option of coupon, the cart rule will be applied to the first "X" uses
  7. You can define Total available for each user option - a cusomer will only be able to use the cart rule "X" time(s)
  8. You can add rule concerning categories (you can use it or not - everything depends on you)
  9. With cart rule concerning categories you can select categories (see picture) for which voucher code will be active
  10. You can add rule concerning products (the same as with categories rule - you can use it or not)
  11. With cart rule concerning products you can select products (see picture)  for which voucher code will be active
  12. You can add rule concerning manufacturers (the same as category rule - you can select it or not)
  13. With cart rule concerning manufacturers you can select manufacturers for which code will be active
  14. You can add rule concerning attributes
  15. With cart rule concerning attributes you can select product attributes for which voucher code will be active


Voucher codes actions

  1. You can enable or disable Free shipping option
  2. You can select a discount type
  3. It mean that you can select percentage discount, or discount it amount, or just disable it
  4. You can specify percentage (%) discunt value
  5. You can specify amount discount value currency and tax (included or excluded)
  6. You can apply discount to order value (without shipping) or to specific product (from your catalog)
  7. You can apply discount to cheapest product
  8. You can apply discount to selected products in "conditions" section.
  9. You can turn on option "send free gift" and select product (with attribute) that will be treated as a free gift

Voucher code for shared products only

Module has feature that allows to generate voucher code for shared products only. Thanks to this:

- voucher code will be applicable to cart only if cart will contain shared product

- voucher code will decrease price of shared products only (percentage discount)

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Facebook product share + discount code

Associated videos: Prestashop Facebook product share + discount code

Module reviews: Prestashop Facebook product share + discount code

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade
José Antonio2013-05-08

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

Facebook product share + discount code Changelog - informations about updates


- added appearance improvements to environments based on prestashop 8.x

- updates voucher engine to avoid problems with voucher code configuration



- added improvements to the module to make it work in prestashop 8.x



- added better product search on configuration page of voucher code value

- added feature to restrict usage of voucher code in cart for customers from selected countries

- added feature that allows to define voucher usage condition related to number of products in cart ("How many product(s) matching the following rules cart must contain") 

- added better css styles to make the popup window more responsive on mobile devices



- added improvements to email delivery feature, from now it does not generate javascript errors



- added feature to generate voucher code only for shared products

- added feature to generated voucher code that will have condition to work only for products from selected suppliers

- added feature to generated voucher code that will have condition to work only for selected groups of customers

- added feature to generated voucher cide - it can be shared beetween shops in multistore environment



- deactivated debug notifications 



- updated the authentication procedure



 - added improvements to share process with email delivery



- added feature to create voucher code that will be available for customers from selected groups (customer groups)

- added feature to create voucher code that will exclude products already discounted (in prestashop 1.7)

- added improvements to facebook api code, now it supports recent changes in fb api



- added new feature to block possibility to share the same product several times

- in effect customer will not receive voucher code again



- improved the sharing script to meet new facebook requirements



- added improvements related to share process and recent facebook api changes



- updated module core so it supports PrestaShop 1.7.x now

- added improvements to voucher configuration tool

- added feature to "auto add voucher code to cart" (right after module will generate coupon for facebook share - addon will apply it to the customer's cart)



- added improvements to cart rule "uncombinable with other cart rules" option

- added feature to define new rule concerning suppliers

- updated missed translations for new features

- now voucher code generated in this module can be shared between shops (if you use multistore feature)

- feature can be enabled or disabled (if disabled voucher will be available only in shop where it was generated)

- added feature to define new rule concerning suppliers



- added support of facebook open graph module

- before module used default product image, title and description to generate a share information, now it uses (if option will be enabled) informations provided in open graph tags module

- added missed translations

- added update feature to check module updates directly from addon configuration page



added fixes to "carriers restriction", now module saves carrier information correctly (while addon generates voucher code)


feature to define carrier restriction, now you can create voucher code that will work only with selected carriers (customer select carrier during checkout)



poprawki do generowania kuponu w prestashop 1.4.x


poprawki do silnika kodów rabatowych, ulepszona wyszukiwarka produktów, kategorii itp.
poprawki do znikających tłumaczeń

opcja pozwalajaca wyświetlać button na stronach produktów, które powiązane są z wybranymi kategoriami