This module creates a products catalog feed that is ready to work with facebook dynamic ads import catalog tool. Module allows to create .csv file with all products (and also products' combinations) that is fully compatible with facebook products catalog import tool.Just export products and import them to your ads account - an easiest way to to serve dynamic ads!
This module creates a products catalog feed that is ready to work with facebook dynamic ads import catalog tool. Module allows to create .csv file with all products (and also products' combinations) that is fully compatible with facebook products catalog import tool.Just export products and import them to your ads account - an easiest way to to serve dynamic ads!
Module creates new menu item unders "catalog" section. There you can create products' catalog feed.
Two export types | |||
Export to file | On-line available feed of products | ||
This is a manual method of feed generation process. It is available on feed management page in shop back office. You set there settings of the feed and module will generate and download file to your personal computer. | This is export method that creates a special url with export parameters. Opening this url in your browser will generate a feed of products with defined settings. You can use this if you want to from time-to-time update the products in merchant center with Scheduled fetch | ||
Two export file formats | |||
Export to file | On-line available feed of products | ||
Please note that you can use this module also as a module to import products to your "facebook shop".
- added improvements to shop's categories - google categories associations in prestashop 8.x
- added fixes to save proces of existing feed (now feed is not duplicated)
- added option to include "override" field that is useful for localized catalogs
- added feature to exclude products without pictures from feed
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.8 to avoid problems on product edit page with category search bar
- added new feature to save feed settings and possibility to manage (browse) previously saved feeds
- added new feature to define shortlink (previously module had only long url with parameters, now it gives possibility to use short link)
- added improvements to price rounding method
- added improvements to export attributes in prestashop 1.6.x to avoid "internal server error 500"
- added possibility to decide if you want to group combinations into one product or if you want to treat each combination as an independent item
- added possibility to export "size" field (it can be attribute of product)
- added improvement to "sale_price" field
- this field is exported only if there is a sale price for item, otherwise the field will be empty
- added feature to decide about product name format.
- you can Capitalize first letter
- you can Capitalize Word Letters
- you can lowercase all letters
- added improvements to configuration form
- added improvements to characters encoding
- added improvements to export configuration page to support prestashop
- added possibility to export "age_group"
- added possibility to export "gender"
- added possibility to export "color"
- added improvements to export of availability information
- from now module identifies properly if product is in stock (returns "in stock")
- if product is out of stock but order is allowed (returns "available for order")
- if product is out of stock but order is not allowed (returns "out of stock")
- added new feature to export prices for selected country
- added new feature to exclude products / variants that have reference number that starts with defined string
- added improvements to export process in old prestashop releases 1.6.0.x
- added improvements to export products of prices in currency different than default
- this improvements fixes problem with price in different currency when price is not calculated with prestashop's currency conversion rates but with 'specific prices' feature. From now price is included properly.
- added improvements to export configuration tool
- from now you can save form only, or save form and export products to file
- added improvements to save process of short/long description definition
- added improvements to export process of images for combinations
- if combination will not be associated with any product picture - module will export default picture of product
- added new feature to define prefix for ID of products that will be included to feed
- added improvement to variants (combinations) export process
- added new feature to exclude products from feed that are worth less than defined amount
- added improvements to xml feed to avoid problems with identification of datasets
- added improvements to product_type categorization
- added improvements to feature to allows to export defined number of products to avoid problems with auto-update of url to feed
- added new feature to remember for settings
- added new feature that suggests feed splitting process
- added improvements to export process of images
- added improvements to export of names, it capitalize the names now
- changed the way of how module gets lists of categories. From now it displays all categories in select box (on export configuration page). Even disabled categories.
- added feature to include also sale_price
- thanks to this products will appear with two prices: standard price + sale price
- added new field to csv file: inventory
- from now you can decide if you want to include the exact number of product's quantity, or not
- added improvements to updates checker to avoid ajax search problems in shop's back office
- added improvements to export process - both for back office export and export with url
- re-added export by csv/xml file that was acidentally removed in previous update
- improved partial export feature
- added feature to include "product_type" to feed
- it is a retailer-defined category for product. Max size: 1000.
- Example in TSV: Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Appliances > Refrigerators
- added improvements to recently added feature to generate XML file
- added feature to export feed as a XML file to on-line available feed
- added feature to export feed as a XML file
- added improvements to price calculation process for on-line feed (for non-default currencies)
- added minor improvements to code to avoid php notification(s)
- added improvements to module to make it work properly with old releases of prestashop 1.6.0.x
- improvement is related to product prices, now the price is formated properly
- added improvements to configuration form of the export products feed
- while you change the picture type to export - the online feed url is also updated
- added feature to reconfigure form based on previously generated url
- added feature to split one large products feed into several small parts
- option is useful for hosts with limited resources (to generate very large list of products you need good enough hosting account)
- added feature to download custom google products taxonomy file to support mapping of categories for languages that are not supported by google
- added feature to decide what kind of currency will be used to calculate products' prices
- added feature to control the stock information, you can use real stock information, or just insert for each product "in stock" or "out of stock" depending on your requirements
- added support of recently added change to core function AdminControllerCore::setMedia($isNewTheme = false)
- added support of function getAllCategoryNames for prestashop between versions 1.6.0.x and
- added improvements to feature to define associations between shop categories and google categories
- added feature to decide if you want to export 'in stock' products or all products
- added feature to auto-capitalize product name (required by facebook)
- possibility to define what field will be used for "description"
- possibility to define what field will be used for "short description"
- possibility to define default value of "manufacturer" field (if product will not be associated with any manufacturer)
- automatic capitalization of first letter in names
- added feature where you can decide if exported descriptions will be formatted with html, or not (pure text without formatting)
- added feature to display details about categories tree that allows to better identify the categories (feature to pair shop's catalog categories with 'googe shopping' categories.
- added feature to define google categories ID
- feature allows to pair your shop categories with categories from google taxonomy files
- feature allows to pair categories for each language (google categories taxonomy files are different for each language)
- added feature to define the type of the product / combination identification method
- now you can define what will be an unique identification of products: id_product, id_combination or id_product-id_combination
- removed 'in stock' and 'out of stock' translations to meet feed requirements (only english)
- added improvements to images links - if product will not have image module will use "no image" picture
- added improvement to descriptions, if product will not have description module will use short description instead
- added feature that allows to select size of image that will be included to products feed
- module has now possibility to generate two types of feed. First is downloadable. csv file
- second feed type is a feed available on selected url
- released version that supports prestashop 1.7
- started project on mypresta addons store