This is PrestaShop module that allows you to sell CdKeys / licenses in your online shop. Addon automatically sends coupon codes to your customers right after they will order product marked as product that is a "cdkey / license" product. It's a multitool so-called license key manager
As I already mentioned this is PrestaShop module that is license key manager tool. With this addon you can sell cdkeys. Complex module settings allows to manage licenses in really handy way. With one mouse click you can import thousands of licenses, manage them, activate, remove etc. Please read module description below to get more informations about features available in this addon.
Module features
The most important and basic feature of this PrestaShop addon is an automatic process of license key delivery. Module automatically sends cdkeys for customers that will buy products marked as "license" (associated with group of codes). In addition module contains a lot of other features that make the management process handy and intuitive.
Basic module configuration
On addon configuration page you can define the statuses of orders. Module will send license key only if order of status will be one from selected statuses. So, in simple words, module will send cdkeys only if order status will be for example "payment accepted" or "on backorder" etc. ( see screenshot ). Module contains feature to select groups of customers - these groups will receive coupon automatically. If customer will not be associated with selected groups - module will not send / add license key to their account - you will have to do it manually (great feature to prevent SCAM)
Support of product packs
It's the only one available module that allows to work with packs of products. When you will turn on option to support product packs (on module configuration page) - plugin will check if purchased product is pack. And if so - module will check products from this pack. If there will be a product that is associated with groups of cdkeys - module will send cdkey to customer.
Unique email templates for each group of cdkeys
Each group of cdkeys can use different email template and email title. Thanks to this you can personalize the email delivery for each cdkey product.
Unique email for each cdkey
Module has tool named "email templates manager" where you can create new email templates that you can use for cdkeys. This means that each cdkey type that your shop sends can send it with usage of unique email template!
Import tool settings
Advantage of the module that makes it very usefull and allows to save a lot of time is a feature to import cdkeys. Import tool settings allow to define specification of licenses and also specification of the file. Row delimiter is a specification of csv file, you define here symbol that separates codes. Column delimiter is an option of CSV file, you define here symbol that separates specification values. Active - imported license will be active, or not. Module sends licenses that are active only.
Import tool
Whole import process is based on CSV files (from excel for example). In these CSV files you can have a thousands of codes. It's enough to upload this file to your module (on module configuration page you've got special form to import such file). Then it is enough to click "import to database". Module will do the rest and you will save a lot of time :)
License key management
Module creates new position in your back office menu. You can find there new element "license key manager" ( see screenshot ) . You can manage license keys there. You can create new groups of licenses and associate them with products in your store. Based on this association module will send cdkeys to customers. You can add new liceses, export them, check how many liceses were sold. You can also browse the list of sold licenses with details (who bought, what is the code, product etc.)
History of sold cdkeys
In this module section you can see what codes you sold and who bought them. This section allows you to manually assign codes to customer accounts and re-send emails with codes. You can also alter specification of the code that module bought (for example you can change cdkey code here)
Automatic update of products' stock
One from the great features available in the module is automatic sychronization of products stock. Module automaticaly updates the stock of product based on available cdkeys in module's database. Module updates the stock each time someone will purchase the cdkey product or each time you will update the settings of the group (load new cdkeys to database)
- combined version of the module dedicated for prestashop 8.x with module dedicated for prestashop 1.7.x (now one library works in both versions of prestashop)
- added new feature to automatically change order status when all cdkeys in order were delivered to customer
- updated module workflow in temrs of email templates editor usage in prestashop 8.x
- added possibility to create group of cdkeys that will be available in all shops
- added improvements to solve problem with missing group_desc and title variables in email delivered to customer in prestashop 1.7
- added improvements to solve problem with missing group_desc and title variables in email delivered to customer in prestashop 1.6
- added support of prestashop and changes
- added improvements to sync stock feature
- from now it calculates number of available keys only for active keys (so the stock of product is equal to the stock of available and active cdkeys)
- added improvements to voucher delivery process and email title, when the option to send many keys in one email is active
- added improvements to save process of license on invoices
- added feature to define email title for email that will be used to deliver many keys in one message
- added possibility to add variables to email title
- added possibility to add variables to group description
- added new variables to use (both in email template and titles)
- list of variables:
- added improvements to the module related to cdkeys delivery process
- from now you can decide how module will deliver keys to customer if customer will purchase more cdkeys products
- it can send each coupon separately (with own unique email template that you can setup for groups of cdkeys)
- it can send all purchased coupons in one email (in this case without personalized email)
- you can also define description of group of cdkeys that can be included to email template (for example - with detailed usage instructions, or other contents)
- this version of the module requires reinstallation (do not worry - module will remember all its settings and cdkeys)
- added improvements to translations packs
- added newa feature to support product packs
- if option to support product packs will be active module will check if customer purchased a product that is a pack of items
- if pack will contain product that has cdkeys (product is associated with group of cdkeys) - module will send cdkey for such product to customer
- added improvements to module configuration page (to form where you select customer groups and order states)
- from now the design of main configuration page is ready to work with new design guidelines
- added improvements to the list of groups in shop's back office, from now there is no limit in number of groups that module displays
- added new feature to search for product while you associate group of cdkeys with product
- added feature to create pagination on "my account" customer's area
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added improvements to syncing stock feature
- added improvements to syncing stock feature
- added improvements to sql code that module runs while you (as a shop owner) updates the order state
- added improvements to recently added feature to create email templates
- added new feature to define email templates directly from module configuration page
- thanks to this feature you can create unique email templates for each cdkey product
- added improvements to email delivery process. Added new email variable {id_order} - it will be replaced with id of order
- added new variable to email template {group_url}
- added improvements to module's back office - from now list of groups is sorted alphabetically (when you use form to add new cdkeys to database)
- added improvements to combination selection tool to module dedicated for prestashop 1.5
- added improvements to archived cdkeys (cdkeys that were purchased previously by customer)
- from now each sold cdkey is associated with id_order_detail value
- thanks to this each archived code can be associated with exact purchased item (not only with order)
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added new feature to send purchased licenses only if order total value is not higher than defined amount
- added improvements to save process of selected order states and selected groups of customers
- added improvements to "my keys" section on customer account to avoid conflict with ps_customersignin module
- added column with order date to "my keys" section in customer account
- added new features to define the special url that will be associated with group (for example na url to documentation, download etc.)
- added feature to define how many cdkeys will be delivered with purchase of 1 quantity of product that is marked as cdkey item
- this version of the module requires reinstallation (if you update the module from old version)
- added fixes to "my cdkeys" front office page. From now cdkeys are visible there
- added missing polish translations
- added improvements to updates checker feature
- added improvements to each page of the module in shop's back office (related to sql queries)
- added improvements to avoid SQL injections and database query errors if name of coupon contains special characters
- added improvements related to invoice and the way of how module includes license key to invoice (if option to include is active)
- added improvements to "my cdkeys" page that customer see in "my account" section (added navigation buttons)
- added feature to check updates of the module
- added feature to include cdkey to invoice (option to enable / disable)
- added feature to define label of cdkey that will appear on invoice
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added improvements to email templates module sends to customer
- added an information about purchased product to email with cdkey that is delivered from shop's back office
- added feature to auto-update stock of products when new cdkeys are added/removed/updated
- added feature to prevent adding duplicated cdkeys to database
- added automatic stock synchronization feature
- option when active automatically updates the stock of the product, it will be equal to the number of cdkeys in database
- updated module installation process (added improvements to database change process)
- due to the fact that new feature requires database change - v2.0.0 of the cdkets module requires installation
- added new email variables to use:
- {product_description}
- {product_description_short}
- added new feature to associate group of cdkeys with selected product's combination.
- cdkey will be send to customer only if customer will order selected product's combination
- new version of the module requires reinstallation
- improved module workflow in prestashop 1.5.x releases
- added list of codes to "order details" page in shop back office
- added list of codes to "order details" page on customer account, while customer checks the order details
- added feature to bulk add many codes while we add one to the shop
- you can create a list of codes and bulk add them to your codes database
- added feature to count used keys and available keys
- informations are displayed during configuration of "groups of cdkeys" section
- you can easily control the stock of cdkeys now
- version 1.9.4 requires reinstallation due to the changes in the database (module uninstallation will not affect current module configuration)
- added order reference column to "MyKeys" section (there where customers see the list of ordered cdkeys)
- added design improvements for PrestaShop 1.7
- added fixes to "internal server error" in PrestaShop 1.7
- due to the conflict between version 1.6.x and 1.7.x I decided to release separated library for prestashop 1.7
- added improvements to module workflow
- module sends cdkeys also for non-virtual products now
- module identify combinations and send codes for each combination of product that customer bought
- changed module code to support psr-2 coding standards
- module fully supports prestashop 1.7 from now!
new feature to re-send email with cd-key to customer
new possibility to edit sold cdkeys list
new possibility to add and assign cdkeys to customers accounts
you can do all of this on cd keys sold list section
1.8.8 funkcja która przekierowuje użytkownika na stronę logowania, gdy ten nie jest zalogowany do sklepu a próbuje zobaczyć listę swoich kluczy które kupił
1.8.7 poprawka do generowania kuponów w momencie, gdy zmienia sie status zamówienia na akceptowany przez moduł
1.8.6 poprawki do modułu związane z publikacją dodatku na oficjalnym markecie prestashop
1.8.5 wyłączenie trybu debugowania, który zostął właczony w poprzedniej aktualizacji
1.8.4 poprawki do strony konfiguracyjnej modułu, odtąd problem z "PHP NOTICE" nie pojawia się
1.8.3 poprawki do działania modułu w PrestaShop 1.5.x
1.8.2 poprawki związane z wyświetlaniem się tłumaczeń
1.8.1 poprawki do filtrowania listy kluczy po nazwie grupy, kolumna ID zamówienia w liście sprzedanych kluczy
1.8 zaktualizowane tłumaczenia emaili wysyłanych do klientów oraz poprawione pelne polskojęzyczne tłumaczenie
1.7 funkcja do wyboru grup klienckich, których obejmie zautomatyzowany proces wysyłki kodów. Klienci nie powiązani z wybranymi grupami będą musieli poczekać na akceptację zamówienia przez administratora sklepu
1.6 możliwość ręcznego dodawania pojedynczych kluczy (wcześniej był tylko import)
1.5 dodane zostały poprawki do trybu multistore, moduł odtąd działa poprawnie w prestashop z włączonym multi-sklepem
1.4 ładowanie wielu plików CSV, w dowolnym momencie będzie można je zaimportować na nowo
1.3 poprawki dotrybu multistore związane z wysyłaniem maili
1.2 lista sprzedanych kodów wraz z szczegółami