Module allows to define maximal accepted value of products from selected manufacturer. If customer will exceed the maximum purchase total value by manufacturer - it will be not possible to place an order. With module you can define unlimited number of these rules - this means that each manufacturer can have own unique values of maximal products value.
As you already know this module is great solution to define maximum value of total purchase by selected manufacturers. This mean that customer will not have possibility to go through order process if products in cart from selected manufacturer will exceed defined rule. More information about this module you can find below,
What this module does?
Module, after installation in PrestaShop creates a special section under "catalog" menu item called "manufacturer conditions". There you can manage (add / edit / remove) conditions related to maximum purchase total value by manufacturer. Module allows to define values of these conditions in default shop currency - and if someone will use different currency than this one - module will calculate the value of maximum condition based on shop's currency rates.
- released new version of module that fully supports prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to multistore environment
- released version for prestashop 1.6.x
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace