Prestashop Maximum product quantity

This PrestaShop module allows to define value of maximum product quantity that customer can add to cart and order, or feature to check how many times product was previously ordered and based on defined limits - block or allow to order it. As a shop owner you can define different values for each product and for each customer group. When customer will try to order more quantity of product that you allow - module will not allow to do that.

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 2.2.7
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
Public help and discussion Open forum discussion
  • Trusted developer of module Maximum product quantity
  • Support to the module Maximum product quantity
  • Free updates of the module Maximum product quantity
  • Open source - you can edit module code Maximum product quantity
  • Module Maximum product quantity works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Maximum product quantity works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Maximum product quantity works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Maximum product quantity works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Maximum product quantity

This great PrestaShop addon is one from the most wanted features in PrestaShop. With this module you can specify value of maximum product quantity that customer will be able to order. As you can read in short description - as a shop owner you can define different values of maximum quantity for each product and for each customer group that you have in your online store. Of course if you don't want to create such restrictions - module also allows to do that. 

This is great module to limit orders based on customer group - for example you can distinct maximum value for simple customer and for wholesaler customer. Second one will be able to order 1000 quantity of product, first only several items. There is no limitations, you can create as much restrictions as you want.


maximum product quantity in cart


Most important features in module

The most important feature is a possibility to define quantities for each product based on customer grups. You can read detailed specification below (both for front and back office).


Two possibilities

With this module you can define two kind of maximum quantity limits. First one - is a limit for cart. Module will check the number of products in cart and then - allow to place an order, or not. Second one is a limit for all purchases, also previously placed. Module will check history of orders and then - allow to place an order or not.

For current cart All purchases
Maximum product quantity you can set with this module will be applicable for customers' carts. Module will analyse how many products cart has, and based on this - block possibility to place an order (if customers' cart reached limits).

This feature checks also previously placed orders. Module will get history of orders, count the products in these orders. Based on this calculation module will check limits you defined. And then - it will block possibility to order (if customers' reached the quantity limits). You can set limit for:
- last day orders (24h)
- last week orders
- last month orders

- last quarter (3 months)

- last half year (6 months)
- last year orders

- this year orders (from 1 January current year)
- all orders in shop


Back office features

  1. Module right after installation will create special tab on product edit page where you will be able to define restrictions
  2. This special tab contains feature to define values of maximum quantity for each customer group.
  3. You can define different values for each customer group
  4. If you don't want to create such restrictions - just leave these fields empty.
  5. possibility to define restrictions for product combinations
  6. Option to define "global maximum quantity" limit for each product. Module will use this restrictin for each available product in your shop. You can define this option on module configuration page (new!)
  7. It is worth to mention that with "global maximum quantity" you can still define unique max quantity values for products. Module will use this value instead.


Bulk generate or remove quantity limits for cart and for total purchases

If you've got many products it will be a nightmare to define quantity limits one by one for each product. Thanks to "bulk update" feature you can quickly define quantity limits (or remove existing limits) for products from selected categories:

- added new feature to bulk define or remove quantity limits by categories

- you can select categories - module will get all products associated with these categories

- you can select what to do:

- - define quantity limits for products,

- - define quantity limits for products' attributes,

- - remove defined limits for products,

- - remove defined limits for products' attributes

- you can select group of customers that will be a target of bulk update process

Maximum quantity limit depending on features
Module gives possibility to define global maximum quantity value that depends on product associations with features. On module configuration in shop's back office you can set maximum quantity value for each available feature. If product will be associated with feature that has own maximum quantity limit - this maximum quantity value will be a product's maximum quantity value.

maximum quantity by feature


Front office features

  1. If customer is associated with group doesnt have restriction - customer will be able to order as much product as it want.
  2. If customer will be associated with group that have restictions module will check quantity of product in cart. After that module will compare this value with restiction value.
  3. If value of quantity will not be larger than value of restiction - module will allow to put that quantity of product to cart.
  4. If value of quantity will be larger than value of restiction - module will block add to cart process and display message about that (in nice modal popup)



Usage examples of module: Prestashop Maximum product quantity

  1. Define maximum allowed annual purchase limit (by quantity) for selected products
  2. Define maximum allowed monthly purchase limit (by quantity) for selected products
  3. Define maximum allowed weekly purchase limit (by quantity) for selectd products
  4. Define maximum allowed daily purchase limit (by quantity) for selected products
  5. Define maximum allowed product quantity available in cart during purchase process
  6. Each group of customers can have own quanttiy limits
  7. Each product can have unique limit values
  8. Each product can have limit defined to product and also to product variants (combinations)
  9. Block possibility to order more quantity of products than allowed
  10. Do not allow to order more products than allowed quantity

Associated videos: Prestashop Maximum product quantity

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Maximum product quantity

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

Maximum product quantity Changelog - informations about updates


- added improvememts to calculation of maximum quantity of combinations in cart to avoid issues with cart workflow



- added fixes to cart clean up proces to avoid problem with emptying the cart after log in



- added improvement to module workflow for logged customers



- added new import types that gives possibility to import settings of maximum quantity of product in all purchases during specific time frame + the same feature for attributes (combinations)

- depending on what type of dataset you expect to import CSV should contain these fields:

Limit quantity of product in all purchases
CSV should contain fields: id_product; id_group; shop; quantity; datetype; Fields should be separated with semicolon symbol ;

Limit quantity of combination in all purchases
CSV should contain fields: id_product; id_product_attribute; id_group; shop; quantity; datetype; Fields should be separated with semicolon symbol ;



- added import from csv feature where you can quickly import module settings

- this update allows to import product cart quantity limits and combination cart quantity limits

- depending on what type of maximum quantities you want to import csv file should contain these fields:
Limit quantity of product in cart
CSV should contain fields: id_product; id_group; shop; quantity; Fields should be separated with semicolon symbol ;
Limit quantity of combination in cart
CSV should contain fields: id_product; id_product_attribute; id_group; shop; quantity; Fields should be separated with semicolon symbol ;



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x to avoid problems with weird information notifications about "adjust quantity of product" during add to cart process



- added improvements to module workflow in environment based on php 8.1.x to avoid notifications about unidentified indexes 



- added improvements module in context of plugin usage with ps_shoppingcart module in version 3.0.0



- added new feature to define global maximum allowed quantity of products associated with selected feature(s)



- added improvments to module usage in environment based on php 8.1.x



- added improvements to appearance of notifications about exceeded maximum quantity limit in prestashop 8



- added improvements to the module core to avoid notifications about missing



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.1.x



 - added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.0.4



- added improvements to avoid php notifications on product edit page



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x releases



- added new feature to decide about appearance of information box about maximum allowed quantities on product page



- added improvements and fixes to maximum quantity of allowed purchase in defined time-frame

- from now feature counts products in cart properly

- extended feature workflow to support maximum quantity of allowed purchases in specific time-frame also for combinations (previously feature was applicable to products only, from now - it can be set individually for each combination)



- added improvements to appearance of block with maximium allowed quantity information on product pages



- added improvements to recently added feature in prestashop 1.7.x 



- Customers in prestashop can be assigned to various groups of customers. Module gives possibility to define maximum allowed quantity of product individually for each group. When customer will be assigned to various groups with different quantity limits. This update gives possibility to decide what maximum quantity will be used - lowest one or highest one.



- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7.8.x related to cart page and error about missing allow_oosp variable



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.8.x



- added improvements to workflow of the module in cart

- from now module counts number of purchased products by email (to support orders by guests correctly)



- added improvements to add to cart process in prestashop 1.6.x to avoid problems with product attributes quantity (information about missing index when user increases quantity in cart)



- added improvements to module usage in non-default themes that do not follow standard according to #product-details block with information about currently viewed item



- added improvements to feature that checks "all previously placed orders" to verify the quantity of previously purchased quantity of product(s)



- added improvements to feature that cleans up the cart when someone exceeds defined quantity limits



- added improvement to module - from now it allows to configure unique time frame of maximum allowed purchases of item for each product and customer group individually

- this version of module requires its reinstallation (do not worry - module will remember all its settings)



- added improvements to javascripts included to the module to avoid refresh loop on product pages in prestashop 1.7.x



- added improvements to calculation of product's attributes quantity



- added improvements to appearance of add to cart confirmation window in prestashop 1.7.x



- added improvements to appearance of errors in prestashop 1.6.x when ajax-cart is disabled



- added improvements to global quantity limit in prestashop 1.7.x


- added improvements to global quantity limit in prestashop 1.6.x



- added new feature to enable / disable module's modal popup that informs about exceded maximum quantity purchase of item

- re-added auto-updates checker feature



- added newa feature to bulk-define restrictions for selected manufacturers (products associated with selected brand)



- added improvements to customer login process in prestashop 1.6.x

- added improvements to the global maximum limit to avoid duplicated notification about reached maximum limit



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.6.1.x



- added improvements to module workflow, now it calculates products in cart much better than previously - especially in context of products' combinations



- added fixes to module configuration page to avoid notifications about "unidentified" variables



- added improvements to update checker feature 



- added new options to mass generate maximium quantities feature,

- from now you can "check all subcategories" of selected category when you define the maximum quantity limits by categories



- added improvement to usage of the module with ZOne Theme, from now modal window with information about reached limit appears properly.



- added new feature to display original "add to cart" confirmation window

- this window will appear behind the error message about reached maximum alowed quantity (if customer will reach limit of product's quantity in cart)



- added feature that allows to control quantity field value

- from now when this option will be active it will be not possible to increase "quantity" field to value higher than allowed "maximum quantity" defined in the module (both for combinations and for product)



- improved module dedicated for prestashop 1.7.x

- we added support of php 7.2.x (previously module worked with php up to 7.1.x)

- added improvements to module's updates checker



- added improvement to module to make it work properly with shops that work without "terms and conditions" checkbox and OnePageCheckout order process



- added optimization of css styles and layout of the module on product edit page in shop's back office



- added improvements to installation procedure to make module work properly in prestashop 1.7.5+

- added feature to automatically check for module updates and inform merchant if there will be a new version of addon



- added minor calculation of total purchases quantity in displayPaymentTop hook (to return to cart if customer order reached the limits)



- added feature to limit maximum allowed quantity of purchased item in last half year (3 months)

- added feature to limit maximum allowed quantity of purchased item in last quarter (6 months)



- readded missing Italian translations



- added improvements to module to support PrestaShop 1.7.3.x cart quantity increase / decrease process



- added new global purchase limit to count this year purchases (purchases from 1 January current year)



- added support of prestashop 1.7.4.x 

- from now internal server error does not appear anymore while you trying to increase quantity on product page or while you trying to add product to cart



- added improvements to feature to define order states, now it does not spawn sql problems anymore



- added improvements to module core to avoid php notification: Notice: Undefined index: id_attribute in /modules/mqc/mqc.php on line 340



- added additional rule to the time period,

- now you can set limit of product purchases that will be active for 24 hours (one day)

- this means that customer can place an order for X quantity of product per 24 hours



- added improvements to module workflow to identify the values of max purchase for non-default groups of customers

- added full spanish and french translation



- added improvement to feature to define maximum allowed purchases 



- added improvement to calculation process of maximum allowed product purchases

- now when you defined the maximum purchases limit, module spawns info about exceeded limit even if customer did not placed an order for this product previously but current cart quantity is higher than allowed

- module does not spawn information about reached limits if customer previously exceeded limits (earlier than current order)

- added feature to define brakpoint date - addon will not analyse purchases placed BEFORE this date



- redesigned module configuration page, now you can find there two sections: cart quantity limits, purchases limits

- added feature to bulk generate total purchases limits

- added feature to setup what kind of total purchase limit moduke will use, you can set limit for last week, for last month, for last year and for all orders.



- better support of OPC (in case of previously added features)



- added feature to define maximum purchases limits, it will count also previously placed orders for products. 

- customer that will reach the purchases limit - will not be able to place an order

- updated translations file

- fixed issues with translations of messages that module displays in modal popup window



- added new feature to bulk define or remove quantity limits by categories

- you can select categories - module will get all products associated with these categories

- you can select what to do: define quantity limits for products, define quantity limits for products' attributes, remove defined limits for products, remove defined limits for products' attributes

- you can select group of customers that will be a target of bulk update process



- added improvements to identification process of product attributes



- added fixes to module core file, it does not spawn information about unidentified $matrix_attributes anymore (prestashop 1.7.x)



- added fixes to module core file, it does not spawn information about unidentified $matrix_attributes anymore (prestashop 1.6.x)



- released version for PrestaShop 1.7.x

- added workflow improvements both for old 1.6.x and new 1.7.x

- added feature to display maximum quantity conditions related to combinations on product pages



- added fixes to save process, now it does not spawn message about missed index for products that dont have combinations



- added improvements to design of configuration of max product quantities

- improved module workflow in cases if customer is associated with several groups of customers



- added fixes related to customer login process

- now module identifies users that first time accessed to your shop properly

- no more internal server error related to add to cart process in context of first unknow user



- Option to define "global maximum quantity" limit for each product. Module will use this restrictin for each available product in your shop. You can define this option on module configuration page

- It is worth to mention that with "global maximum quantity" you can still define unique max quantity values for products. Module will use this value instead.



- added feature that displays on product page information about defined maximum quantity limitations

- this version of module requires reinstallation



- added improvements to module workflow in PrestaShop 1.5.1

- added security update, now module identify customers properly even if they will clean browser cache



- added feature to check for module updates automatically 



- fixes to customer login process and quantity calculations 



- dodane poprawki do działania modułu:

(1) w module można definiować różne restrykcje dla zalogowanych klientów, jak i dla pozostałych osób

(2) przykładowo klient może zamówić 10 sztuk produktu, niezalogowany może zamówić ich 20

(3) gdy niezalogowany klient dodał 20 sztuk, a następnie logował się - moduł nie usuwał 10 sztuk z koszyka

- poprawki wniesione do modułu eliminują ten problem



dodane poprawki do restrykcji globalnych w produkcie gdy produkt ma kombinacje

moduł zlicza liczbę produktów w koszyku dzięki czemu globalny limit w ramach produktu jest poprawny



dodane zostały poprawki do sposobu wyświetlania się modułu w zapleczu sklepu

dodatkowo, poprawiono kod tak, aby był zgodny ze standardami psr-2



poprawki do sposobu generowania okna popup. Moduł zwraca teraz listę produktów w koszyku oraz wyświetla okno popup poprawnie.



poprawione zostało działanie oraz identyfikowanie ograniczeń dla grupy klientów: guest, vistor


poprawki do działania ograniczeń w zamawianiukombinacji


poprawki do tłumaczeń modułu 



możliwość definiowania ograniczeń nie tylko dla produktów (jako całości) ale również dla poszczególnych kombinacji danego produktu