With this module you can quickly increase all product's prices for selected countries only. Module offers to increase or decrease price by some percentage value or by amount (defined in default currency) and it works with geolocation tool.This means that prices of products are affected immediately, customer does not have to create account to see correct (increased or decreased) prices. If you will set impact price as an amount - module will calculate impact value to other currencies automatically based on shop's currency exchange rates.
With this module you can quickly increase all product's prices for selected countries only. Module offers to increase or decrease price by some percentage value or by amount (defined in default currency) and it works with geolocation tool.This means that prices of products are affected immediately, customer does not have to create account to see correct (increased or decreased) prices. If you will set impact price as an amount - module will calculate impact value to other currencies automatically based on shop's currency exchange rates.
- added link on configuration page of the module to price conditions management
- improvement workflow of the module to make it work in prestashop 8.x properly
- added improvements to delivery address identification process in prestashop 1.7.x
- added feature to simulate IP address (this feature gives possibility to test workflow of country identification by IP)
- added feature to identify customer's origin by delivery address
- added feature to support geoip2 database by maxmind that is not supported by prestashop 1.6.x
- thanks to support of geoip2 database the accuracy of country identification will be much better
- added improvements to information notifications on module configuration pages
- added improvements to module usage in shop's back office (to avoid problems with message about unidentified variable mypresta_link)
- added improvements to price calculation in shop's back office
- added feature to automatically check updates
- added improvements to country identification engine
- added improvements to information notes available on module configuration page
- released version that is ready to work with prestashop 1.6.x
- from now module is available in two separately files: dedicated for prestashop 1.6.x, dedicated for prestashop 1.7.x
- added major improvements to module core. First stable version of the plugin
- added additional information tips to module back office
- added feature to decrase price by amount
- added feature to increase price by amount
- added improvements to override of Product class
- added feature to decrease prices by country
- started project on mypresta.eu addons marketplace