PrestaShop has feature to offer free shipping if customer's cart will reach defined price or weight. With this module you can easily disable this type of free delivery. Module will disable free shipping if customer's cart will contain selected product (exact product or products by category).
PrestaShop has feature to offer free shipping if customer's cart will reach defined price or weight. With this module you can easily disable this type of free delivery. Module will disable free shipping if customer's cart will contain selected product (exact product or products by category).
In PrestaShop "free shipping" can be a result of several settings of shipping preferences and also cart rules. So, with usage these settings you can make delivery free:
Our module is ready to support all of these features.
- added feature to support prestashop's tool to set "free" delivery if cart will be worth more than defined amount.
- from now if cart will contain at least one forbidden product feature to set "free" shipping from defined cart amount will not affect delivery prices (all carriers will be paid)
- updated polish translations
- in prestashop voucher codes can also grant free shipping
- module now supports "free shipping" as a result of voucher code usage
- from now you can activate/deactivate option to disable cart rule (voucher code) free shipping if product will contain product excluded from free shippoing
- added improvements to module workflow in context of visibility of forbidden carrier on carriers list in cart during checkout
- added improvements to search products tool to avoid problems with feature usage in prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module workflow in evnironments based on prestashop - 1.7.6.x
- released version for prestashop 1.6.x
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace