This module checks the stock of products during checkout process. Thanks to this you can avoid orders with out of stock products. Right before order is placed module checks the stock of each item in cart. If some of them will be out of stock - module will return customer to cart and display notification about that.
One from the disadvantages of PrestaShop is fact that it sometimes allows to place an order for items that are out of stock. It allows to place such order even if shop settings and product settings do not allow this. It happens frequently in situations when your shop has many visitors that try to place an order for the same item. If each of this customer will try to place an order for this item in the same time - each of this customer will be able to place it - even if your shop settings do not allow it. It is because prestashop checks for stock of item only on first step of checkout process.
Thanks to this module you will avoid such problem
This module will check the stock - right before the order is placed (last step of order process, right after the customer press button "I place an order"). So, when customer will confirm the order - module will analyse the stock of items from customer's cart. If at least one prodcut will be no longer available or if there will be not enough stock to place an order for this item - module will redirect customer to cart step of checkout. Thanks to this you will avoid customer complaints.
Exclude some products from stock check
In some cases it is required to run some pre-sale sales, in this case product are out of stock but you want to sell them for your customers. Module is ready to work with these products. On module configuration page you can point items that will not be a subject of stock check during checkout and customer will have possibility to place an order for some out of stock items.
Log events
Each time when customer will try to place an order for out of stock item - module will log this event in prestashop logs system. You will be able to explore the logs and check what orders customers tried to purchase - without success.
Compare default checkout with checkout improved with module
Order steps | Check for product stock | |
Default PrestaShop | Checkout Stock Checker module | |
Cart | ![]() |
![]() |
Last step of order | ![]() |
![]() |
- added improvements to module workflow in terms of usage in php 8.x environment to avoid deprecated variables notifications
- added improvements to module support of prestashop 8.x releases
- added improvements to module workflow in context of prestashop 1.7.x releases
- added improvements to module workflow in context of prestashop 1.7.x releases
- added new feature to display notification when customer add product to cart
- module can inform customer that product is allowed to order (backordering active) but currently it is out of stock (with information about available quantity)
- added option to support backordering (when some item is out of stock you may allow to order it)
- added possibility to decide what position will be used to run stock check.
- some modules may process the payment before order is placed in shop, for this purposes we added possibility to run stock check functions in displayPaymentBefore hook.
- released new version of the module where message in cart is properly refreshed in prestashop 1.7
- from now module is available in two versions - one for prestashop 1.6.x, and second for 1.7.x
- added feature to exclude some products from stock check during checkout
- added feature to automatically check for module updates directly from module configuration page
- removed unused code from module core files
- added full polish translation
- started project on mypresta marketplace