Card conditions pro module for PrestaShop allows to define what products or what categories are necessary to continue order process. If cart will not meet defined requirements it will not be possible to place an order and customer will see notification about it.
This prestashop module extends cart conditions feature. With this module you can create additional necessary conditions that customer must follow to place an order in your online shop. Examples of conditions you can find below
Unlimited number of conditions
Module allows to create unlimited number of conditions, so you can personalize it to fit your business needs. With one mouse click you can enable or disable selected conditions. So, you can create some "scratch" conditions and enable them anytime you want. Creation process of conditions is easy in use and intuitive. You can find management panel of conditions under "price rules" menu item in your shop.
- added fixes to customers search in prestashop 8.x (in feature to define exclusions)
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added improvement to exclusions feature
- for "cart quantity conditions" it checks if cart has other products than excluded,
- if so - condition will be applicable to cart
- if not - condition will not be applicable to cart
- updated module's translations
- added new feature to define maximum allowed quantity of different products in cart
- added new feature to define minimum required quantity of different products in cart
- added new feature to define maximum quantity of products by brand
- added exclusions feature
- from now you can exclude from conditions selected products and/or products associated woth selected categories
- added new quantity conditions:
- selected group must add to cart at least X quantity of each item (rule applicable to each product in cart)
- selected group can't add to cart more than X quantity of each item (rule applicable to each product in cart)
- added "association" condition: if cart has product (1) then it is required to add at least one different item to cart
- added new quantity conditions related to user origin:
- customer from selected country must order at least X products from defined category Y
- customer from selected country can't order more then X products from defined category Y
- added improvements to module workflow in terms of its update process
- added new country-related conditions where you can setup minimum quantity or maximum allowed quantity of number of products in cart
- added "multiply" option also for condition where you can define minimal quantity for product
- added new feature to create association between category and its subcategories where it will be not possible to purchase other items than items from defined category and its subcategories
- added improvements to currency conversion calculations
- added improvements to messages that module shows on cart page in prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvements to mulitplied quantity feature, from now it is also applicable to number of products in cart
- added improvements to module dedicated for prestashop 1.6.x to avoid problems with appearance of product pages
- added new condition to limit quantity of products with defined attribute (for example: color: black)
- added new feature to cart value conditions for countries and groups of customers,
- from now you can set it up to define cart value: tax included / tax excluded
- you can also define what kind of cart value module will use - products value only or products value + shipping cost
- added improvements to ajax queries to avoid empty error box
- added improvements to translations on main configuration page of the module (in shop's back office)
- added feature to allow or block possibility to place an order for products with different availability dates
- added improvements to cart page to block "proceed to checkout" button
- added new translations to the module
- added new feature to define minimal quantity of products from selected manufacturer
- this feature supports also multiplied quantity feature (so customer will have to purchase only multiplied quantity of products from selected manufacturer)
- added missing spanish translations files
- added improvements to module workflow so it is ready to work with prestashop 1.7.6+
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- added improvements to condition that checks associations between products
- added feature to exclude selected customers from conditions
- from now you can select customers (on module configuration page) that will be not blocked with defined cart conditions, so they will have possibility to place an order even if cart will not meet defined conditions for other customers.
- in prestashop 1.6.x this version requires reinstallation of the module (update of overrides)
- added improvements to installation process in prestashop 1.7.x
- added feature to auto update messages in cart while someone increasing / decreasing quantities in cart
- thanks to this it is not required to refresh the page to see if cart meets defined conditions or not
- added feature to define new cart conditions related to countries
- now you can create condition to check value of purchase depending on country of delivery
- you can set rule like "to place an order delivered to country X your cart must be worth at least Y"
- you can set rule like "to place an order delivered to country X your cart can't be worth more than Y"
- added fixes to error that appears in old prestashop 1.6.0.x releases during usage of the module and one page checkout
- added new feature to define associations between category and categories
- from now you can define rules like:
- if customer will put to cart product from category A it will be required to add product from category B
- if customer will put to cart product from category B it will be forbidden to add product from category C
- if customer will put to cart product from category C it will be forbidden to add any other product to cart
- added configuration page to the module, you can check there for updates
- Added new condition to block possibility to purchase any other product if cart will contain some defined product
- added new feature to define minimal quantity of products from selected categories with sub-feature to accept only multiplied quantities like 6,12,18,24 etc.
- new version of module requires reinstallation
- added new condition to associations section
- now you can define association between product and categories, so you can create rules like:
- if customer will order product B - it will be necessary to add product from category A
- if customer will order product B - it will be not possible to add product from category C
- added improvements to multistore support, it identifies shops properly now
- eliminated php notifications from order controllers (order process)
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added feature that checks for module's updates automatically, if there will be new version of the module - your shop will spawn notification about this
- improved conditions workflow
- released version that works with older PrestaShop 1.5.x
- extended association conditions feature, now you can define rules like: if cart has product B it is not possible to order product C
- added full Polish translation
- added new rule type: if cart has product A - it must also have a product B
- you can create this rule from "Cart associations conditions" section and you can define rules for each customer group
- module is ready to work with PrestaShop 1.7.x !
- new cart conditions available
- max quantity of products (total) in cart for customers from selected group
- min quantity of products (total) in cart for customers from selected group
- cart can't have more than X products from selected category for selected group of customers
- added new feature to define maximum quantity of product allowed during order process
- added improvements to recently added feature, related to workflow of feature in PrestShop 1.5.x
- added new condition to define minimal quantity of product in cart for selected group of customers
- added information to product page, it shows minimal product quantity (if defined)
- improved back office configuration page
- now you should be able to select groups of customers properly
- due to the changes in the override - this module requires reinstallation
- improvements to multistore configuration
- fixed notificaitons about missed index
- added fixes to admin controllers of the module
- added fixes related to appearance of "cart quantity conditions"
- added improvements to module code to support PrestaShop 1.7
- added fixes related to conditions manager available in shop back office
- fixed problem with "unknow database table"
added feature to define the value of products from selected categories that are necessary to place an order
added feature to "define nb of products in cart" that are required to go through order process
started project on mypresta store