This module allows you to create content blocks on each product page separately. Addon creates a special tab on product edit page where you can define blocks in most important places (hooks) on product page. With Product page content block module you can define additional contents for your products
This Prestashop module gives you possibility to define as many blocks with own content as you want. This addon gives you possibility to use html, css, js and other browser-side languages (like html5). This addon is great tool for extending product page contents. Read more about this useful plugin below the box.
Why Product page content blocks?
Module is great tool to increase your front office usability. Moreover it also extending whole prestashop engine usability. This addon allows to add more informations to each product in your store. Module supports all product page hooks - it mean that you can create blocks almost everywhere on product page. Check where you can add blocks in PrestaShop 1.6
Module features
Main feature of prestashop product page content blocks module is possibility to create content blocks on selected product page. Module creates "product blocks" tab on each product edit page in your back office. There you can define blocks for product.
Module specification - available places
Module supports all available product page hooks like:
Positions screenshots
Block settings - check image
You can select hook where you want to dispaly block
You can easily define block position (with easy in use drag n drop tool)
You can easily delete block
You can easily open block edit page
You can temporary disable block
You can define internal block name (multilanguage tool)
You can define block contents (multilanguage tool)
You can use extended tinyMCE editor to define block contents.
Possibility to display block also on other product pages that are associated with selected categories
- fixed appearance of notifications about unidentified variable $blocks
- relesaed version that supports prestashop 8.2 without errors
- added support of prestashop in version 8
- improved module workflow in context of php 8 - from now it does not spawn warnings/notices about wrong "countable" parameters
- added feature to display block "everywhere" - on each product page
- added improvements to module usage in hook displayProductAfterThumbs in prestashop to avoid blocks duplication
- added improvements to save process of content blocks (in prestashop 1.7.x)
- added improvements related to module support of prestashop 1.7.5.x
- added support of position displayProductPriceBlock, in type of price = 'price' (right below the price of product)
- added improvements to environments where the admin of the shop has employees with restricted access to modules
- added support of new hooks displayLeftColumnProduct, displayRightColumnProduct
- improved fancybox feature
- added improvements to module workflow with extra tabs pro module
- added feature to check availability of the module updates: both automatically and manually
- added improvements to module design (add button) in PrestaShop 1.6.x
- added fixes to installation process of database
- large update of module is available
- module fully supports prestashop 1.7.x
- changed the workflow of the module both for prestashop 1.5.x, 1.6.x
- added support of new hooks for PrestaShop 1.5.x / 1.6.x / 1.7.x
- started to log changes in the module with this changelog
- improved module workflow in PrestaShop and above this version
- fixed rich text editor for new versions of 1.6.x