Prestashop Product page as shop homepage

With this addon dedicated for prestashop 8.x and 1.7.x you can easily change your shop's homepage to selected product page. Addon will replace contents of your shop landing page to exactly the same contents as your shop has on selected product page. This means that shop's homepage will be replaced with product page.

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 1.1.0
  • Trusted developer of module Product page as shop homepage
  • Support to the module Product page as shop homepage
  • Free updates of the module Product page as shop homepage
  • Open source - you can edit module code Product page as shop homepage
  • Module Product page as shop homepage works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Product page as shop homepage works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Product page as shop homepage

As you already know with this addon you can replace shop's homepage with selected product page. Configuration of the module is very easy. You just have to point what product you want to show on shop's homepage. Just search for item you're interested in and select it from list of search results. This product will appear on shop's homepage.

module to replace shop homepage with product page

How it replaces homepage of prestashop?
Url of your homepage will remain the same - like it is by default. Module will replace contents of this page - once you will install module and configure it - it will start to display contents of selected product page on your shop's homepage. All features of the product page will be available - including attributes selection tool and custom modules. Everything will just work like it is on product page.

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Product page as shop homepage

  1. Module to replace shop homepage with product page
  2. Show product on shop  homepage
  3. one page shop - sell product on shop homepage
  4. display product on landing page
  5. product as landing page in prestashop

Associated videos: Prestashop Product page as shop homepage

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Product page as shop homepage

This module do not have any review

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Product page as shop homepage Changelog - informations about updates


  • added sanitizeUrl function to frontController to make module work in older releases of prestashop - 1.7.7.x


  • released version of the module that is ready to work in prestashop 1.7.x
  • added improvements to translations (added polish translation)
  • added updates checker that check for module updates automatically


  • released version of the module that is ready to work in prestashop 8.x
29.99 €
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