This module adds "zoom" feature to product page. With this zoom you can enlarge the color / texture attribute to show color or uploaded image details. Module adds everything automatically so you dont have to change anything. Addon works with new PrestaShop too.
As you already know this module creates "zoom" feature on product page that allows to enlarge the color / texture attributes. So your customers will be able to see the details of color or uploaded texture image. Zoom feature is activated once your mouse will be over thumbnail of color attribute selection. You can test it on the demo page (see links inside right hand side column)
- added improvements to module workflow
- form now module supports early access release of prestashop 9.x
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x
- from now module to zoom attribute images can be used in prestashop 8.x
- added new feature to zoom color / texture attributes in combinations table module
- by default module creates zoom effect for each color attribute (color thumb / texture thumb)
- added new feature to exclude selected groups of color attribute from zoom effect
- added improvements to zoom feature
- from now name of color does not distort the zoom window
- improved workflow of the module in classic-rocket theme
- added improvements to module usage experience on mobile devices
- from now you can activate option to disable color attribute on click (tapping on color miniature)
- thanks to this customers will see zoomed color / texture
- customer will have possibility to select color attribute from zoomed popup - there will be a button "select this color"
- this feature is applicable for prestashop 1.7, since in prestashop 1.6 attribute change does not reload product page
- added improvements to make module work in quick view window
- from now module works on product page + in quick product view window
- added improvements function of texture / color load process to avoid some page-generation problems
- added full french translation
- added full german translation
- added full spanish translation
- added full italian translation
- added width & height feature to module dedicated to older versions of the PrestaShop
- added new features to:
- define width of preview
- define height of preview
- define width of image preview
- define "loading" animation (animation between "loading" and zoom contents)
- enabled feature to zoom colors/ / textures on mobile devices with "tap" on the color miniatures
- added feature to display also color / texture value (name)
- added feature to define the type of zoom animation
- added improvements to tooltipster library that initiates the zoom effect
- added fixes to attribute change process, now zoom is available also after attribute change
- added improvements to PrestShop 1.7.x related to textures
- textures appears properly now as well as colors
- added fixes to problems with zoom in PrestaShop 1.7.x
- added improvements to the module to support prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to module to support PrestaShop 1.5.x
- started project on addons marketplace