This PrestaShop module allows to define visibility of the cms pages for selected customer groups that you have in your shop. Each CMS page can have own unique settings. When customer will try to open CMS page for which hasn't got an access - PrestaShop will display message with information about that.
This module creates great feature in the shop that allows to define additional setting for CMS pages. This setting is an settin related to visibility of CMS page for selected customer groups. Whole management process of the module you can find on module configuration page, where you - as a shop owner - are able yo define such visibility restrictions.
Module configuration
Main configuration page of the addon gives possibility to control module workflow. You can decide there access restrcition s for your shops cms pages, cms categories with groups of customers in your shop. As you can see on the screenshot below. Screenshot shows only default groups of customers - but of course it gives possibility to configure access to cms pages also for non-default groups of customers.
- added improvements to installation process of the module to avoid notifications about deprecated hooks
- added improvement to module workflow - from now it is possible to decide about access details if customer will be assigned to many groups of customers
- added new tool to define access to cms page by cms page association with cms category
- released version of the module that is ready to work with prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to support of prestashop 1.7.x
- updated to module workflow, now it works better in prestashop with multistore environment
- released version for prestashop 1.7
- added improvements to module configuration page, improvements were related to design of configuration page
- released version that is ready to work with prestashop 1.6.x
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace