With this module you can lock product's attachments. Thanks to this addon only logged users will have possibility to download attachments added to your products. By default these attachments are available for everyone. With plugin - you can disable this behaviour and make it downloadable only for logged customers.
With this module you can lock product's attachments. Thanks to this addon only logged users will have possibility to download attachments added to your products. By default these attachments are available for everyone. With plugin - you can disable this behaviour and make it downloadable only for logged customers.
Module has feature to activate/deactivate that will give possibility to download attachment only if customer purchased product that is behind the attachment.
- added feature that will give possibility to download attachment only for customers that purchased the product that is behind attachment
- released version of the module dedicated for prestashop 1.7.x
- fixed appearance of translations inside popup window with notification when attachment download process is blocked by module
- added improvements to identification of attachment urls
- started project on mypresta.eu addons marketplace