With this module you can quickly change type of products (pack of products, product with combinations, standard product, virtual product) for many products in bulk based on various criterions (products from category, products by brand, by association with feature, by association with attribute) or products from selected phrase search results.
As you already know with this module dedicated for PrestaShop e-commerce engine you can quickly change type of products to product type that you will point during 2-step wizard configuration. Module has intuitive configuration page where you configure the mass change form. In first step you define "Target products" - products that will be a subject of mass product type change. In second step you just point new product type that module will apply to these "target products".
Main features of module to quickly change "product type"
During configuration of plugin - in first step of mass product type change form you point products that will be a subject of mass update task. You can point products by:
Product type update task
When you will change product type from "pack" to any other type of product - all pack details will be removed. This means that module will not only change type of product but also clean database of shop from pack setting details.
It behaves the same in other situations, for example when you change type of product: "product with combinations" to other - all details about combinations will be cleaned up.
- added improvements to module code in context of case-sensitive environments to avoid errors in back office modules section
- released version ready to work in prestashop 8.x
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace