Prestashop Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office

With this PrestaShop addon you can easily add manufacturer (brand) name or logo to list of products in your shop's back office. Our module does not use any override, it is based on hooks only so you will not loose feature after prestashop update. Module creates also filter feature where you can filter list of products by selected brand.

Shop version 9.x, 8.x, 1.7.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 1.5.1
  • Trusted developer of module Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office
  • Support to the module Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office
  • Free updates of the module Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office
  • Open source - you can edit module code Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office
  • Module Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office

As you already know - this is a override-free module to display Manufacturer name or manufacturer logo on list of products in prestashop's back office. This module to work uses only hooks, module does not have any override. So you do not have to worry that after prestashop update you will loose changes (feature applied by module). Module is an plug-and-play addon. After its installation new column "manufacturer" is added to list of products automatically. Moreover - it also creates filter features so you can filter list of products by manufacturer.

show manufacturer brand name on list of products in shops back office

Module features
Main feature of this module is to display manufacturer filter on list of products in shop's back office. Module automatically, right after installation creates new column on list of products "Manufacturer" and activate "manufacturer" filters (you can filter list of products by brand).

Optionally, on module configuration page you can activate option to display Manufacturer logo. Option when active will replace default value of column (manufacturer name) with associated manufacturer logo image that you can upload in your shop's back office.

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office

Associated videos: Prestashop Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office

This module do not have any review

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Manufacturer (brand) on products list in back office Changelog - informations about updates


- added major update to make module work in prestashop - 1.7.7.x releases



- added improvements to new experimental product list page



- released new version of the module that supports "old" product listing pages



- added support of "new expertimental product page"



- added support of prestashop 1.7.x

- added full Polish translation



- added feature to display manufacturer logo on list of products in shop's back office



- started project on mypresta addons marketplace

29.99 €
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