Prestashop 1h - usługa programistyczna PrestaShop

This is a service of PrestaShop software development provided by VEKIA - prestashop forums moderator and winner of award "Most active community contributor" on a PrestaShop day. Before the order of service please get contact with us and discuss about the features you need. 

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Opis usługi: Prestashop 1h - usługa programistyczna PrestaShop

This is a service of PrestaShop software development provided by VEKIA - prestashop forums moderator and winner of award "Most active community contributor" on a PrestaShop day. Before the order of service please get contact with us and discuss about the features you need.  


examples of services offered by VEKIA:

  1. theme modifications
  2. prestashop core modifications
  3. prestashop updates
  4. modifications of modules
  5. fixes of prestashop core
  6. fixes of custom prestashop modules
  7. fixes of custom prestashop modules
    1. installation of SSL certificates
    2. configuration of SSL on your VPS hosting