After installation of extended version of rich text editor module you can access to module configuration page where you can manage backup and some addon settings. In this part of documentation you can read detailed description of each available configuration option. Screenshot below shows how the configuration page looks like. Details under the screenshot.
Where is the module configuration page?
Module configuration page is accessible from modules > modules section in your shop back office. Just near the module hit "configuration" button. This is a module configuration page. It is based on "tabs" to switch (left column) and contents related to selected tab. First section is "installation", second is "appearance settings" and the last one is "updates".
Installation section
This section contains the most basic settings related to module installation process.
Backup - This section allows to manage backups of the original tinymce library (delivered with standard prestashop). It shows if backup exists or not. If it does not exist you can hit button to create it. If backup exists - you can hit button "restore tinyMCE from backup". If you will restore it - extended version of the editor will dont work and you will see old standard editor instead.
Reinstall option - This is usefull option if we "restored" editor. Once we hit button to reinstall extended version - module will install it again. This option is also usefull if in the future we will update the plugin - you will just hit "reinstall" and you will have updated version of the plugin
Editor settings
Is a section where you can activate or deactive some options in rich text editor. Below you can find details about these features, how these features work and where these fatures appear in editor. In some cases - these features are not visible for your eye but change the way of how editor behaves.
Predefined templates - option when active will crate in rich text editor option to quickly assign predefined contents to editor. This feature is available here:
On module configuration page you can find also button (below the option "predefined templates") to manage available templates. Once you will press it - you will be able to manage the list of predefined templates that appears in this feature in rich text editor.
Context menu
Context menu is a special plugin that creates special menu options when you will right-click inside the editor. Option if it will be disabled - right click inside editor will activate standard browser's context menu.
Force new line as <br>
When you edit contents in rich text editor - while you press "enter" on keyboard - editor applies in code a new line as a paragraph <p></p>. This is default behaviour of rich text editor "tinymce". If you will activate this option - editor will replace a pararaph <p></p> with <br/> code.
Convert all new lines to <br>
Option when active will change all new lines to <br> code. If your context will contain some new line symbols, these symbols will be replaced with html code <br/> to create new line. Be aware with this option, when you want to paste code javascripts, the new lines in your javascript code will be replaced with <br/> and this can cause problems with your script.
Additional image classes
Module will add some new image classes to classes that exists by default: thumbnail, circle, rounded. These classes selection tool appears in window where you can paste an image to your contents. For what purpose is this option? Well, theme developers usually includes some specific css styles to theri templates. If some of css style class that should be applicable for your theme images does not appear in rich text editor - you can add it here, and editor will start to display it while you will add / edit images in your contents.
Font sizes
Editor has predefined list of "font sizes" that appear inside dropdown menu in font panel (see screenshot below). This option on module configuration page allows to decide what font sizes you will be able to select there
Fonts tool allows to add some new font instances to the editor, so during contents edit you will be able to use them. Module has predefined list of fonts - you can restore the default settings anytime - by pressing the "restore" button. To add new font type its name and definition of font that should be used in html language.
Front office settings
This section is related to appearance settings of the module in your shop front office. Some of features requires additional libraries. For example - not all themes uses fancybox fontset, so you can activate option to include this font package. The same with accordion library or with fancybox library.
Include latest Font Awesome library - This option is related to font awesome icons. If your theme has a font awesome icons - you can leave this option disabled. If your theme does not use font awesome icons - you can enable this option. Then you will be able to insert icons to the editor with extra feature available in the module. It is worth to mention that if your theme does not have font awesome - you need to turn this option. Otherwise font awesome icons will not work for your website.
Updates section
This section allows to manage the settings related to update process of the module. From time to time we release the new version of the plugin. Here you can define if you want to get notification about updates etc.
Check updates - this fature allows to check if new version of plugin is available. Just hit "check now" button" and your shop will check our servers if new version is available or not. Then you will see information if so, or not.
Updates notifications - this option can be enabled or disabled. If enabled - you will get notifications about new versions of the plugin (if exits).