As you already know - this module has options to create automatic redirections (you can set them under "settings" menu item) an also allows to create redirections manually. Second menu item that module creates after installation is a "redirections" section. Here you can manage the list of manual redirections.
Here you can manage all of redirections that you created manually. This configuration page of module contains two sections. First is a list of redirections, second is a from to build new redirection.
List of redirections
Screenshot attached above shows an example of redirections list. Table contains several columns like ID, old url, new url, type of redirection, active, use wildcard. With these informations you can easily identify redirection and manage it. with"edit" button (you can edit / remove redirection). List of rediretctions has some additional options (not available by default: statistics, import redirections. If you will click on one of these elements - you will be redirected to Seo Redirect > statistics menu item or to Seo Redirect > import redirections menu item.
Add new redirection form
To add new redirection manually you just have to click on "add new" button that is available on the right hand side top section of table. After clicking on this button you will be redirected to form - where you can define new redirection.
new redirection form contains options like: