Management of Related Products instances

As you probably know each product can have own unique "related products pro". To manage lists of "related products" just go to product edit page and go to "modules" section. You can manage there list of "related products" - create new, edit existing etc. You can create there lists of "related products individually for each item or create "global" blocks that will appear on many product pages.

related products pro product edit page

On product edit page, on module section you can manage list of created "related products" instances you created with the module. You can create here also new "related products" instances for item that you currently edit and even for other products (module has features to decide on what product pages you want to display created "related products" instances)

related products edit page instance

  1. Create new product list
    To create new instance of "related products" just press this button. You will be redirected to form what you can create new "related products" instance.

  2. Show all created products lists
    As I already explained - module displays on product edit page lists of created "related products" instances.
    If you see the block here, this means that this "related products" instance will appear on product page. When tou will press "show all created product lists" button - module will show all created "related products" instances, even instances that is not associated with product that you currently edit.

  3. Related products instance
    Block represents an instance of "related products". If you've got many blocks that will be assigned to product page you can manage order of these blocks with "drag and drop" feature.

  4. Activate / deactivate block
    Each instance of "related products" can be active or disable. Active instance will appear on product page, disabled will not. Just press this button to toggle "related products" instance visibility.

  5. Edit button
    With edit button you can open configuration page of "related products" instance block. Just press it and you will be redirected to form where you can manage settings of block.

  6. Duplicate button
    You can quickly duplicate "related products" instance block. Just press this button and module will create new block with exactly the same settings as source "related products" instance.

  7. Delete button
    When you will press this button you will permanently delete the "related products" instance block. Be aware, this can't be undone!