Install product list attributes on own hosting
Installation process of this module to display attributes table on product listing pages on own hosting is exactly the same as installation of other modules. Whole process is very easy and you dont have to be tech-savvy to install this addon.
Installation guide of MyPresta modules
go to "my orders" section and download recent version of productl ist attributes (combinations) addon
log in to your shop back office
go to modules > modules section
hit on "add new module" button
upload previously downloaded library (
after page refresh, scroll page down or search for "product list attributes" module
hit "install" button
What addon creates after installation?
Usually each module in PrestaShop must be configured before the usage. The same is with product list attributes (combinations) plugin. This is why module has inbuilt configuration page where you can manage settings of the module. This "configuration" page is available in shop back office under "modules > modules" section:
PrestaShop 1.7 - classic theme installation
Module in prestashop 1.7 uses default prestashop's hook displayProductListReviews - you do not have to follow any advances modifications of files. During configuration of the module select this position.
As you already know - this module right after installation assigns "combinations table" to hook named displayProductDeliveryTime . Unfortunately - this hook is not available in PrestaShop 1.7 'classic' theme anymore. Because of this we have to add this hook manually to theme file responsible for the product thumb.
If you use non-default theme, please verify if theme settings does not allow to turn on / off this position. Search there for option like "show reviews on list of products". Some of themes also uses feature named "apPageBuilder" that allows to design list of products. You will have to enable this default position there.