Each product edit page in your shop contains a special "modules" section where you can manage addons. Our module appears there. There you can manage association of product with icons.
Module section on product edit page contains several subsections.
Associated icons with this product
Here you can see single icons associated with this product. The same associations are avaialble under "associations with product" menu that module created during installation.If you want to remove association with single icon - just press the delete button here. Icon removed from product in that way will also disappear from "associations with products" menu that module created during installation. If you will remove icon from "associations with products" section - this icon will disappear also from product edit page.
Tags (with icons) that are associated with this product
This section shows all auto-assigned icons based on product's associations with tags. If you created some icons for specific product's tags - these icons will appear there if product will be associated with these tags as well.All products associated with tag "art" will be associated with this icon. To remove this icon from product page - it will be required to remove icon or remove tag "art" from product.
Available icons
List of all icons you created in shop. You can just drag and drop icon to field above: "Drag and drop selected icons here". You will associate dropped icon with product you edit.