The main configuration page of module is a section where you can configure plugin's global settings - simply saying - the way of how module will behave globally. What it will display, how it will add products to cart etc. This section is available under "configure" button that is available on list of modules in your shop.
Main module settings
Below explanation of how module's configuration options works.
This option displays information about minimal quantity on product page. Information about minimal quantities (if defined) will appear somewhere near "add to cart" button. This is an example of such image: [see screenshot] If you want to display this kind of info just enable this option.
Display minimal products' attribute quantity information [yes/no]
This option displays information about minimal quantity for products' combinatons on product page. Information about minimal quantities that were assigned to combinations will appear somewhere near "add to cart" button. This is an example of such image: [see screenshot] . If you want to display this kind of info just enable this option
Option when active will automatically add minimal quantity to cart. When customer will try to add product to cart and if quantity of product will not meet your requirements defined in this module - prestashop will add necessary quantity to cart automatically.
This options allows to define what to do if customer will try to add less quantity of product than defined minimal value. Currently it allows to display notification and do not add product to cart only but module is ready for new features that will be implemented from time-to-time. This is how this notification box will look like [see screenshot]
Control quantity field value [yes/no]
This option when enabled will control value of quantity field on product page (useful when you accepts multiplied quantity values for some products). Customer will not have possibility to manually set quantity. it will be possible to increase / decrease quantity parameter with +/- buttons and if option to accept only multiplied quantities for product will be active - module will multiply value of quantity field as well. [see screenshot]
Mass generate minimal quantities
This form allows to quickly generate settings for products based on associations with categories. Once you will use this form, you will bulk-generate settings of the module for products. These settings are available on products' configuration pages
This form generates settings in bulk for each product individually. This means that once you will use this form - settings appled by "in bulk" configuration will be accessible from product edit page.
Below you can find informations about features available in this form.
If you want to define minimal quantity restrictions just set the value here (numbers only)
Quick settings of minimal quantities on list of products
This form allows to quickly configure minimal quantity values for products directly from a kind of list of modules where you can search for items by item ID, name or reference number. This section allows also to activate "multiply" option fo each item individually.