Carousel does not work

When carousel does not work (do not create carousel items, do not allow to scroll carousel items etc.) this means that some options are not properly configured. Below I will describe the correct configuration process of carousel.

Firstly - make sure that "Load lightslider" option is active

Carousel feature is based on "lightslider" jquery plugin. PrestaShop by default does not contain this jquery library but some themes supports it. So, if your theme includes this jquery plugin - do not follow the next steps of this point. If you do not know - its worth to try it ;). 

Please go to module configuration page, there is a section "Global settings" where you can configure the "global" aspects of module workflow. There is an option "Load lightslider" - turn it on.

Lightslider prestashop configuration


Configuration of list of products
Each list of products created with our module has configuration option where you can turn on / off carousel. Make sure that "carouse" option is active . In addition to this, module allows to control responsiveness with feature to define how many number of products carousel will display on a "slide".

Carousel active homepage products pro


Responsiveness of carousel
Each product list created with this module allows also to control the responsivenes of the module. You can decide how many products will appear on one slide for various devices. For example:

  • Number of products on PC Option for PC Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousell. If you will set this option to 4, carousel will display 4 slides and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature

  • Number of products for large tablet devices Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousell. Option is for large tablet devices If you will set this option to 3, carousel will display 3 slides and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature

  • Number of products for tablet devices Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousell. If you will set this option to 2, carousel will display 2 slides and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature

  • Number of products on mobile devices Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousell on mobile devices. If you will set this option to 1, carousel will display 1 slide and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature


Make sure that these fields are not empty. Also if list of created products will show for example 4 items, and if your will setup the "number of products on PC" to 4 - carousel will not create slides and it will be not possibile to scroll the carousel. So make sure that number of items that list of products displays is always higher than values defined in these options to control the responsiveness.