Overview of configuration page

All configuration options are available on module main configuration page. You can control here the way of how module will behave and also manage list of created "featured products" blocks.

homepage products pro configuration page


  1. Global settings
    is a section where you can mange global settings of the module. The way of how it behaves (bith in front of shop and in back office). It gives also possibility to manage the templates included to the module (module supports also non-default themes like firezy or warehouse. This feature allows to personalize the appearance of the module).
  2. List of products
    This section is a main management section. it allows to create "ists of featured products". Activate them, hide, delete etc. Simply saying - its a feature that gives you possibility to define what module will show on your shop's front office)
  3. Create new 
    with these buttons you will be able to create new "featured products list" instance. Just press it and you will see configuration form.
  4. List of products management panel
    edit list of featured products
    Each "featured products list" will appear as list. With this tool You can:
    • show / hide corresponding list of "featured products" on your shop's front office
    • edit corresponding list of "featured products"
    • delete corresponding list of "featured products"


Changing position of the "featured products" instance
Section that displays list of "featured products" allows to manage position of "featured products" instance in your shop's front office. To change position of selected instance - just drag and drop it to new position, like on gif:

change position of featured products instance