Global settings section on module configuration page allows to manage the "global" parameters of the module. These parameters descides about how module will behave - both in front office and back office. Below you can find details about available options.
Enable Internal Tabs
Some themes may not have feature called "homepage tabs". This option gives you possibility to create it! This option, once active - will create "homepage tabs" feature and thanks to this all "featured products" instances assigned to "tab" position will appear inside "homepage tabs" feature. If you wonder what "homepage tabs" are, here is the screenshots:
prestashop 1.6 homepage tabs - default feature
Prestashop 1.7 - homepage tabs - non-default feature activated in module
Use rich text editor
This option is applicable to shop's back office only. As you probably know module has option to define custom contents for:
- Custom code for "before list of products" - Custom code for "after list of products" - Custom code for first element of "list of products"
Activation of "use rich text editor" option will activate rich text editor on module configuration page for these fields:
Load lightslider
Lightslider is a javascript library that gives possibility to create "carousel" of products. If you want to use carousel in the module - just activate this option. Do it only if your theme does not support "lightslider". Many themes includes lightslider library by default, so to avoid libraries redundancy you can just activate / deactivate this option depending on your requirements.
Custom theme support
Module is creafted to work with themes that follows prestashop standard designed by "classic" theme. If you use some different theme, that uses own products list creation approach, you can switch this option. Module supports themes:
- based on "classic" theme product list creation approach
- based on "warehouse" theme product list creation approach
- based on "firezy" theme product list creattion approach
Path to .tpl file of product miniature
default value for Prestashop 1.7 classic theme: catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl. If you want to use non-default path - make sure that this file exists, otherwise website will spawn error about "unable to load template file". Module to build list of products will use theme file that is responsible for "miniature" of product on list of products. If your theme does not follow prestashop standards and uses own not-default .tpl files - you can type here the path to this .tpl file. This option makes the module compatible with all themes.
Customize module tpl files
Its a great tool that allows to personalize appearance of the module directly from its configuration page. Useful when your theme does not display list of products properly, thanks to this option we can quickly investigate and apply required module's personalization changes. This is for advanced users only that knows the smarty template language.