Module allows to create unlimited number of "featured products" lists instances. Each list before it will appear on your shop's front office requires configuration. This documentation explains configuration possibilities.
Option decided if created instance of "featured products" will appear in your shop's front office or not. Its a feature to show/hide the featured products instance.
Where to display
it's an option that decides where created instance of "featured products" will appear. You can select here one position. Each instance of course can use different position, so in effect you can create various "featured products" lists that will appear inside various positions within your theme. The possible positions are:
This position appears on shop's homepage inside right column. Please note if your theme do not show right column on your shop's homepage - this featured products instance will also not appear. You must activate right column on shop's homapge in your theme settings (or in settings of prestashop)
Name of block
Name of block is a heading of block or name of tab - it is visible for customers and can be clickable
Add link to name of block
Heading of block will be clickable and it will redirect customer to selected url
Link (url)
If you activated option to add link to name of block - type here the link (url)
What to display?
This option decides what "featured products" instance will show. You can select here options like:
This feature requires default PrestaShop carousel script: lightslider. If your theme doesnt support it, please go to module global settings and enable library. Carousell works only in Blocks (not tabs). If your theme does not use "lightslider" library - open "global settings" on module configuration page and activate option to include lightslider.
Autostart the carousel, this option will play carousell automatically
Infinite Loop
If you will enable this option - module will loop back to the beginning of the slide when carousell will reach the last element.
Next / Prev controls
If you will enable this option the prev/next buttons will appear.
If you will enable this option - module will display small dots to navigate through the carousel.
Number of products
Option for PC Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousel. If you will set this option to 4, carousel will display 4 slides and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature
Number of products for tablet devices
Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousell. If you will set this option to 2, carousel will display 2 slides and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature
Number of products on mobile devices
Number of products that will appear as a base of the carousell on mobile devices. If you will set this option to 1, carousel will display 1 slide and rest of slides will be hidden and visible with next/prev feature
First custom code element
This option works only with one row inside list of products. Turn this option on if you want to add custom code block as first element of list
Custom contents before list of products
Turn this option on if you want to add custom contents before the list of products
Custom contents after list of products
Turn this option on if you want to add custom contents after the list of products