Homepage products pro Configuration and usage

Homepage products pro module before it will start to display featured products on homepage - requries configuration. All the configuration features are available on main module configuration page. This part of documentation will explain usage od an addon and describe the settings and their possibilities.

List of available topics

  1. Overview of configuration page
    All configuration options are available on module main configuration page. You can control here the way of how module will behave and also manage list of created "featured products" blocks.
  2. Global settings
    Global settings section on module configuration page allows to manage the "global" parameters of the module. These parameters descides about how module will behave - both in front office and back office. Below you can find details about available options.
  3. Featured products configuration form
    Module allows to create unlimited number of "featured products" lists instances. Each list before it will appear on your shop's front office requires configuration. This documentation explains configuration possibilities.