So now it is time to define the association between gift card product you created in previous step - with engine that will generate the gift card code. This means that if someone will order previously created "gift product" - association that you can define here - will generate the gift card.
Create new association
On module configuartion page please open section "define vouchers". There you can see the list of created associations between your "gift card" product and engine to generate gift cards. Click on "add new" button - you will be redirected to page where you can create such association.
Settings of new gift card
Below you can find explanation related to available fields that you have to fill out during association process. Please fill out them carefully. Module will generate gift cards only if you will define association. It is not enough to just create gift card product. So, the fields are:
When you will fill out fields - you can hit save button. Module will create an instance of association between: