Module configuration page

Module configuration page contains several sections where you can define each aspect of the module, how it works, where it appears etc. Below you can find a list of available to configure things for current version of the plugin.

  1. Facebook application configuration
    This section is very important thing. Based on settings here facebook will be able to associate facebook login application with your website. You can find here two fields Facebook APP ID and APP language codes. Both settings are required.
    facebook app configuration
    Facebook app id - 
    This is unique application number that you have to create on your private facebook profile. Go to instructions about "how to create facebook app id"

    APP language codes -  Language code defines what language will be used for whole facebook login process flow. Define here values for each available language in your shop. For example, if you will use en_GB code - users will see login process in english language. If you will use es_ES - in spanish, if you will use it_IT - in italian. You can find full list of language codes here: facebook language codes

  2. Position of button
    Module can be placed in various positions in your theme. Standard hooks available in "default" prestashop allows to put module in each important hook like top section, navigation bar, columns etc. So, simply saying - In this section you deifne where to display button of Facebook login. You can select many positions - module will display button in each selected position. Available positions are:facebook login position of button Screenshot above shows list of available positions, you can find full list of actual available positions below:
    - Top
    - dispalyTopColumn
    - displayNav
    - rightColumn
    - leftColumn
    - footer
    - home
    - createAccountForm
    - shoppingCartExtra
    - shoppinhCart
    - createAccountTop
    - PopUp Login

  3. Register Settings
    This is section where you can define register process settings. This section contains two options related to customers' accounts and how the module will handle register process of these users. 
    register settings prestashop facebook login
    Associate customer with group - option defines to what group of customers module will assing customer. Standard default group of customers is "Customer" group. So, if you dont want to assign module to own group - select "customer" group here.

    Send email with account register confirmation - with this option you can decide if you want to send register confirmation email (email used to create facebook account that was used to register account in the shop). This option - if enabled -  will send standard register process email to customer

  4. Accounts created with FB login
    This section allows you to see what customers created account with Facebook Login and also allwos to easily verify / see the customer's FB profile. This section contains full list of accounts created with module.
    facebook login accounts prestashop