Extra product tabs pro - product edit pages

The main and most important section where you can confgure extra tabs pro module is each edit page of product. Module creates there section where you can mange tabs: create tabs, remove tabs, associate tabs with products etc. Below you can find detailed informations about available features.

Main management of tabs - list of tabs

When you will open "extra tabs pro" section on product edit page - the first screen you will see is a list of tabs created for viewed product. There are 3 subsections: "Colors legend", "Tabs for this product" and "All available tabs".

  1. Colors legend
    • helps to identify the visibility rule applied to tab. Module has several tabs visibility rules like: display tabs for products associated with selected manufacturers, selected categories, selected features, selected suppliers on on exactly selected products.
  2. Tabs for this product
    • This section shows all tabs that customers' will see on product edit page.
      tabs for this product prestashop
  3. All available tabs
    • This section shows all tabs created with the module. You can drag and drop any tab from this section to "tabs for this product". You will associate dragged tab with product page you edit.

Create / edit tab form

To create new tab it is enoug to click on "Create new tab" button. If you want to edit the tab contents just hit on "eidt tab" button (cogs image as on screenshot above). Below I will explain available features on tab creation / edit page.

General tab settings

  1. Tab name (multilanguage - hit on flag to change value for languages)
    Name of the tab appears also in shop front office as a clickable area to activate tab, or as a heading above the contents
  2. Internal name (multilanguage - hit on flag to change value for languages)
    Internal name of tab is for back office only. With unique names you can easily distinct the tabs on the list of available tabs. It does not appear on front office.
  3. Tab contents(multilanguage - hit on flag to change value for languages)
    Contents appears inside tabs. Contents you enter here are visible on your shop front office as a tabs body.
  4. Apply CMS page
    This option applies CMS page contents to this tab. It will appear below contents you can define in rich text editor available above.

Tab visibility rules

  1. Display it everwhere
    With this option (if enabled) you can display this tab on each product page
  2. Global tab based on suppliers
    Tab with this option will appear on many product pages associated with selected suppliers
  3. Global tab based on categories
    Tab with this option will appear on many product pages associated with selected categories
  4. Global tab based on manufacturers
    Tab with this option will appear on many product pages associated with many manufacturers
  5. Display this tab also on selected product pages
    If you will select this option - this tab will appear also on selected product pages
  6. Geolocation
    Enable this option if you want to display tab only for guests from selected countries
  7. Global tab based on association with features
    Option when enabled will display tab on product page only if viewed product is associated with at least one selected feature.