Configuration page of module

Module has two sections where you can confgure the module.

  1. Module configuration page [see screenshot]
  2. Configuration of cumulative discounts program [see screenshot]

cumulative discounts configuration page

Configuration page of the module

This section contains options that decides about how module behaves globally. Below you can find list of available options with short description what option does 


Activate program [yes / no]
You can activate or deactivate the cumulative discount program any time you want.
› Option when active [yes] will enable feature to calculate discount and assign customer to group of customers with discount
› Option when disabled [no] will disable calculation features, customer will not be assigned to groups with discount


Disable cumulative discounts program for selected groups of customers

This option contains full list of groups of customers to select. It displays both default and non-default groups of customers. Cumulative discount program will not be applicable to customers associated with selected groups. This means that If customer will be associated with at least one group from selected groups of customers cumulative discount program for this customer will be disabled. Exmaple of selection:

cumulative discounts groups of customers


Time frame

To calculate how many products customer bought and what is the value of placed orders module will use orders from defined time frame. You can decide to what time frame module will be applicable. It is great way to run discount program for specific time only and to increase loyalty of your customers. Currently discount program can be limited to:

  • All orders (no limit)
  • Last year orders (module will calculate how much customer spent in your shop for orders placed not more than year ago)
  • Last month orders  (module will calculate how much customer spent in your shop for orders placed not more than month ago)
  • Last week orders  (module will calculate how much customer spent in your shop for orders placed not more than week ago)
  • Last day orders  (module will calculate how much customer spent in your shop for orders placed not more than 25 hours ago)


Type of price

Each order value is a sum of products, delivery, taxes etc. You can decide here what kind of price will be used to calculate customer's total purchases value. You can select there one value from: 

  • Total products (tax incl) without shipping
  • Total products (tax excl) without shipping
  • Total products (tax incl) with shipping
  • Total products (tax excl) with shipping


Select order states

To identify what customer's order will be used to calculate discount program you need to select order states. Module to calculate how much customer spent in your store will use customer's orders that have current "status" equal to status selected on this list. You can select various states here, for example "order paid", "shipped", "delivered", "payment accepted" etc. Example of options:

cumulative discounts order states


Exclude orders placed with voucher code [yes / no] 
This option decides if you want to exclude (from calculation) orders placed with discount code.
› Option when active [yes] will exclude customer's orders placed with voucher code from discount program calculation
› Option when disabled [no] will include customer's orders placed with voucher code to discount program calculation 

Exclude products with specific prices  [yes / no]  
If you want you can exclude from total sale calculation products that had specific price (discount for 1 qty)


Exclude products with quantity discounts [yes / no] 
If you want you can exclude from total sale calculation products that had specific price (quantity discount)


Default group of customers

This option allows to select default group of customers. Module will associate customer with this group if customer will not have privileges to groups with discount. By default: Customer. Simply saying - this must be the group of customers that do not have any kind of discount.


Email notification [yes / no] 

This option allows to enable or disable email notification feature. Option when enabled will inform customer's if they will reach new cumulative discount range and what is the discount they received.


Unassign from groups with lower discount [yes / no]
When customer will receive higher discount than previously assigned cumulative discount - you can unassign it from the rest of cumulative discount groups 

Show discount program info on product page [yes / no] 
Option when active will display discount program information on product page 

Show discount program info on cart page [yes / no]
Option when active will display discount program information on cart page


cumulative discounts settings

Additional custom contents for logged users [custom text] 
Module will display these custom contents FOR LOGGED USERS on product page and on cart page below the information about discount program. You can use it to shortly describe your discount program. 

Additional custom contents for unlogged users  [custom text]
Module will display these custom contents FOR UNLOGGED USERS on product page and on cart page below the information about discount program. You can use it to shortly describe your discount program.

cumulative discounts custom text