Overview of configuration page

Main configuration page od cdkeys module contains basics and global options applicable to module, its workflow and some other global settings. 

cdkeys configuration page prestashop

  1. Main settings
    is a section where you decide about global workflow of the module. Options available here are related to voucher delivery process (what conditions customer's order must meet to get a cdkey).

    • Select order states

      Select order states. Module will send cdkey to customer only if order will be marked with one from selected states. For exmaple - if you want to send cdkey only if order is paid - select here order state that means that customer paid for order (for example - "payment accepted"). [ see screenshot ]

    • Groups of customers permitted to receive cdkey
      Select customer groups. Module will send cdkeys for users that are associated with at least one from selected groups.

  2. CdKeys settings
    Here you can configure main settings related to CdKeys, the way of how prestashop will behave during cdkeys creation process, details of cdekys on ivoice, order confirmation page etc. Duplicated keys

    Do not add duplicated keys to database while you add new keys. Set this option to NO if you want to accept duplicated CdKeys (your cdkeys repository to sell will contain duplicated cdkeys). Set this option to YES if you want to remove duplicates.

    • Include keys to invoice
      Option when active will include purchased cdkeys to invoice (near name of purchased products)

    • Turn on pagination 
      You can activate pagination in customer "my account" section with list of purchased cdkeys. This option is useful if your customers have a lot of purchased cdkeys. The list of then will show partially, with feature named "pagination". If you will turn on pagination - remember to setup the  Number of keys to show in pagination option - it decides about number of keys that will show on each page. 

    • Product packs support
      PrestaShop allows to create a packs of product. This option - when active - will check if customer placed an order for "pack of products" and if so - if purchased product pack contains item that is associated with group of cdkeys. And if pack will contain such item - module will deliver cdkey for this customer

  3. Delivery conditions

    Is a section where you can define details related to voucher delivery process.

    • Maximum order value  
      Automatically send cdkeys only if the order total is under defined value. If you do not want to use this condition just leave field empty or set its value as 0. Its useful option to avoid SCAM (for example someone purchases cdkeys for 1000€ and pay with paypal, then request for a refund). You can process such orders manually and verify the customer credibility.

    • Send many codes in one mail
      By default, when someone will purchase several cdkeys - module sends each cdkey in separated email. If you will turn this option on - module will deliver all cdkeys in one email. If you will activate this option - remember to setup the title of email delivered to customer

  4. Import cdkeys settings
    Module has tool to import cdkeys in bulk. In this section you can configure details about import process. 

    • Groups of keys
      Your cdkeys can be grouped. Here you can select the group of the codes, module will import codes to this group. Management of groups is avaialble in new menu item: cdkeys manager > groups

    • CSV file row delimiter
      Specify the settings of the CSV file, usually \n or \r Depends on OS that you use. This is the character of how the new lines are identified in your CSV file

    • CSV file column delimiter
      Specify the settings of the CSV file, usually ; (semicolon) or , (comma). This is the character that separates values in line

    • Active
      Define status of the imported cdkeys. Active key = key available to purchase by customers

  5. Import cdkeys
    Is a section where you can import cdkeys from CSV file. Just upload your csv file therem then hit on "import to database" button. Exmaple format of CSV file: