Quick access is a default feature in PrestaShop that allows to add to your shop back office "quick links". Previously in old PrestaShop released it was possible to use there external urls. With ps 1.7 it is not possible. This module allows to use old feature again - this means that it allows to add "quick" urls to external websites.
Quick access is a default feature in PrestaShop that allows to add to your shop back office "quick links". Previously in old PrestaShop released it was possible to use there external urls. With ps 1.7 it is not possible. This module allows to use old feature again - this means that it allows to add "quick" urls to external websites.
Module allows to set the links in quick access tool that will be available for selected employees based on employee and profile association. This means that you can create links for admins only, or for employee that is responsible for order handling process, or for developers etc.
- added improvements to identification process of external urls
- added improvements to override that module creates for QuickAccess class
- added improvements to module configuration page - links to quick access section works properly
- added improvements to module's updates checker
- added feature to define visibility of links based on employee profile associations
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added translations improvements
- released full polish translation
started project on mypresta.eu addons marketplace