Customer Photo Gallery is a PrestaShop module which allows you to create a gallery page with photos and videos in your shop. Your customers and website guests can add own photos to gallery and view other pictures added by other users. With this great feature you can create awesome user interaction tool in your shop.
Customer Photo Galerry is a PrestaShop module which allows you to create a phots gallery in your shop. Module also allows to create video gallery. Each gallery can have a voting system. Your customers and shop website guests can add own photos to gallery and view other pictures added by other users. This great feature increases your shop usability and create new way to interaction with customers and guests.
With this module you can create separate galleries of customers photos both for products and other stuff. You can read more about module specification below:
Customer Photo Gallery main features:
Feature for admin:
Voting feature
Admin can set up the positions of module blocks
Admin can manage photos
Feature for customers:
Safe upload form
Since the 1.3.1 version the safe upload form is available. We added filetype checker, which mean that this gallery module disallow to upload unwanted file types (files other than picutre)
- added support of free shortcodes module to display galleries on cms pages
- improved module workflow in context if its usage in php environment based on php 8 and prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to voucher configuration tool (new features)
- added improvements to photo upload process to avoid problems with identification of file size
- added improvements to module appearance in tabs section in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to module updates checker feature
- added improvements dedicated for PrestaShop 1.6.x related to path to pictures' thumbnails
- improved the voucher settings form, it has new options now
- you can select the characters that module will use to generate voucher code (numerc, alpha, alphanumeric)
- added feature to selected group of customers - module will generate voucher code only for these groups
- added improvements dedicated for PrestaShop 1.7.x, it returns correct path to images
- added feature to enable or disable possibility for customers to remove own pictures / videos
- added translations for new features
- improved layout of the pictures and videos (better support of responsivenes of bootstrap)
- added improvements to module code to identify logged and unlogged customers
- added feature to enable / disable feature to show gallery categories on gallery page
- added videos to homepage (visible when you will activate the feed of gallery on homepage)
- added upload forms to homepage feeds (both pictures and videos)
- module is ready to work with prestashop 1.7
- added feature to select stars type (design) for voting purposes
- added improvements to voting feature, stars shows grade value when you will hover mouse over it
- added improvements to pictures movement between products
- added feature to enable or disable next / previous buttons to switch to other picture
- removed unnecessary files (rest of files related to 1.4.x version support)
- added new voucher generator library, it generates coupon codes associated with customer account
- added new updates checker system
- added improvements to trusted.js module file that allows to install it on cloud service
- added improvements to sql queries
- removed "notifications" abount not identified variables
- changed the design of back office configuration page
- updated updates checker system
- added feature to display pictures feed on homeage
- possibility to define nb of products for homepage feed
- possibility to define sorting method of homepage pictures feed (random pictures, by vote nb, by rate, by add date)
- added new feature related to coupons generation process
- now you can decide if coupon generated with photo upload will be available only in shop where picture was uploaded, or also in other shops (based on multistore feature)
- added "back to my account" and "back to home" buttons on "my videos" and "my photos" pages (available in customers account section)
- added improvements to voucher settings (voucher for picture upload)
- added possibility to define rule containing restrictions related to suppliers
- added improvements to voucher generation process
- added explanation tips to module configuration page
- added to tool that allows to check module updates directly from module configuration page
- added missed translations
- added improvements to cart rule generation process with selected option "uncombinable with other cart rules"
- module generated voucher code that is uncombinable with other cart rules properly
- added new section in customer account "my account" section: manage videos
- added new section in "footer" section with new link to manage videos
- now customers have possibility to manage uploaded videos
- you can manage videos associations with customers directly from videos in shop back office
- cleaned up module directory
- changed module code to meet psr-2 standards
- added "contest" feature under "votes" section
- this "contest" option allows to sort photos by rating (descending)
- you will see rates in shop back office
- new "updates" menu on module configuartion page where you can:
- check updates of the module
- enable / disable notifications
added feature to notify you about available module upgrades
added fixes to voting system
feature to define carriers restriction for voucher code
front office appearance improvements for bootstrap templates
possibility to add videos by customers (youtube videos)
videos must be moderated before publication
dodane zostało pole wyświetlające autora zdjęcia w back office
poprawki do działania strony konfiguracyjnej kupony rabatowe
poprawki do procesu generowania kuponów w PrestaShop 1.4.x
2.3 - zaktualizowany system generowania kuponów, odtąd definiowanie "darmowych produktów" jest łatwiejsze - wprowadzona została lepsza wyszukiwarka produktów