This article is about adding own fancy ribbons, badges, labels to product list with our html box pro module. Follow this guide to create custom ribbons for selected products on your shop product page listings (like category pages etc.)
The best and easiest way to add products to CMS pages in your shop based on PrestaShop e-commerce engine. You can achieve with our absolute free cms products module
Check how easily you can display Products on selected CMS pages. This is an absolutely free tutorial that is based on our free CMS products module!
If you're struggling with payment methods for virtual products, or if you use some carriers to payment modules that doesnt allow to define such association - check this video, you will solve your problems quickly :-)
Tutorial related to installation of module to create and display icons / pictograms on product pages. Great and effective way to display additional informations on product pages.
Module that allows to search for products by categories or / and by manufacturers. An easiesy way to extend search tool with additional search options. Check videoguide about installation and configuration.
As a customer you've got an access to free updates of the addons from modules marketplace. This guide shows all steps that are required to update html box pro module. Update process is very easy, just follow guidelines.
This is an example of "on exit" popup in PrestaShop - feature is based on popup pro module that is available here:
How to transform standard block with products to carousell in module Homepage products pro - responsive module to create unlimited number of blocks / tabs in your online shop based on PrestaShop engine.
If you want to put some additional contents for your category pages separated from "category description" - check this guide based on custom hooks in PrestaShop
This is paypal connect module for prestashop, it creates customer account and log customer to this account addon is available here:
With this feature you can create button that will scroll your customers to selected product tab. Its great way to point your customers some sections on your product page.