Product icons Configuration and usage

Usually modules must be configured before its first usage. Product tag icons module is also an addon that must be confgiured. Addon creates several new sections in shop's back office where you can manage its settings. In this documentation you can read about these new back office sections.

List of available topics

  1. Main settings
    As you already know - after installation you can configure main settings of an addon directly from "list of modules". Just press the configure button to open configuration page. This section contains only basics settings related to libraries that module uses. In context of icons definition process - this section is not important.
  2. Product edit page
    Each product edit page in your shop contains a special "modules" section where you can manage addons. Our module appears there. There you can manage association of product with icons.
  3. How to decide where module will appear?
    Firstly it is necessary to say that module can have two views: one on the back office (its options, or even a configuration screen - as i described in previous steps), and one on the front office. The front office view is how and where the module is displayed within your shop's theme. The position of a module in your theme can be changed, because you might want one module's block to be placed much higher (or lower) in the page that others. In PrestaShop's parlance, this is called "transplanting", and is done using the tool available in the "Positions" page, So if you want to decide about where module will appear you can use this tool. Below you can find informations about this feature in context of Product tag icons module.
  4. Icons management
    New menu items - module creates new menu items in main menu of the back office. There you can manage your icons (create new and edit existing)