About Us

about mypresta.eu website   about mypresta.eu vekia company

Hello, it’s nice to see you here on our website . Our website is a place, where you can find out only valuable articles, solutions, modules and themes for PrestaShop engine. We are developers for whom work is a hobby and pleasure. We love to work with a code & with PrestaShop engine :-)


We work with prestashop since the beginning of this free software. As a result we have gained a lot of experience, which allows us to create reliable solutions. It is our priority to create error-free software. Thank you for your time, we invite you to browse our site.


We are legal company from European Union. so we assure you that you do not have to worry about anything. Our company name is VEKIA - If you want to contact with us, please visit the contact section.



prestashop vekia - global community moderator Our CEO Milos aka VEKIA is an official PrestaShop global community moderator. The community has got more than 400 000 members. Check Milos official PrestaShop profile now




Press releases & other informations 


PrestaShop awards Milos won the award on PrestaShopDay in Paris, France



official interview with our CEO - vekia Interview for PrestaShop Inc.



interview for YOTPO prestashop Interview for YOTPO - the best social reviews for e-commerce