Block manufacturers does not appear properly

Hi Vekia I need to know if this behavior is normal, or is it a bug, and if you know a way for correcting it, even with one of your modules: The issue is that the list of manufacturers at left column is showing only on Product Detail page, not in home, not on categories pages. I'm running store on PS

PrestaShop expert answer


You can manage appearance of the module under: modules > positions. Search there for list of modules named "left column". Find block manufacturers plugin and hit "edit" button. Exactly as on image below:


left column hook managemenet


Manage exceptions

You will be redirected to settings page of appearance of the module inside "leftColumn" hook. There is a "exception" section where you can manage appearance of module on selected pages like index (homepage), categories, products etc. Make sure that there is no exceptions and plugin works for each available type of page. Screenshot below (click to enlarge)

exception - settings of module

author milos myszczuk
Answer by Milosz Myszczuk PrestaShop expert, official PrestaShop community moderator. PHP developer, specialist in relative and spatial databases management, GIS Analyst, CEO & founder of VEKIA interactive agency. Read more about VEKIA company
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