Prestashop Shop performance plus

If you're lookig for a solution that will optimize your shop load speed - this service is what you're looking for. Optimiation service I provide increases shop load speed. It can load pages even 15-20 times faster!

Service price

253.42 zł

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Service description: Prestashop Shop performance plus

With this service I offer PrestShop load speed optimization. I will apply modifications to your shop core to optimize caching feature. Thanks to this your shop will not load contents dynamically but from directly from cached files. This means that it will be possible to avoid peformance impact caused by:

- slow / large shop database

- poor speed of host environment

- limited resources on host (CPU usage limits, ram usage limits)

- high traffic on our shop


To provide this kind of service I will need:
- ftp access (access to shop files - to apply modifications as a controllers)

- back office access (to analyse shop settings, installed modules etc. - In order to choose the best optimization method)


After modifications you will get a report about load speed improvements for:

- shop homepage

- cms pages

- category pages

- product pages