Logowanie przez Google to moduł, który umożłiwi błyskawiczną rejestrację klientów w Twoim sklepie. Twoi klienci równie szybko zalogują się - wystarczy tylko jedno kliknięcie myszy - zalogowanie do usług Google spowoduje równoczesne zalogowanie się do Twojego sklepu. Moduł podnosi użyteczność sklepu i zdecydowanie ułatwia proces rejestracji / logowania się w sklepie.
As we said above this module allows your customer to register and login to your website with one mouse click. This is the easiest and the quickest register process ever! Module increasing usability of prestashop stores and make your customers life easier. Module is integrated with theme, it means that it will appear correct button design in each available prestashop theme.
demo of google connect module
open google register & login module demo page , login button is placed in top section in navigation bar
- added improvements to password generation process to generate password that is supported by prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module workflow in terms of addon usage in environment based on php 8.x
- added possibility to select design of button
- from now you can use large (new) and old (button) depending on your expectactions
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added support of recent changes in google to make it work with upcoming Google Identity Services and ready for deprecation of "old" google sign in (deprecation date: march 2023)
- added feature to decide about account register confirmation email delivery (you can send it or not)
- added feature to decide about possibility of password change for customer that created account with "google login"
- added improvements to "redirect" of user after register / login
- added support of new position named displayPersonalInformationTop
- added improvements to login process in prestashop 1.7.6.x
- added improvements to module usage in secured environment
- added improvements to module usage in popupLogin position
- added another improvements related to usage of google api
- cleaned up module code and libraries
- added unique classes for each button that module shows, so you can personalize each button
- added improvements related to google+ api usage
- improved the button appearance in hook named "displayShoppingCart"
- added new feature to display recently created accounts on shop dashboard page
- added feature to check updates by module automatically
- added improvement to get user details from gmail account if customer does not have google+
- added support of prestashop's 1.7 hooks: displayNav1, displayNav2
- added improvements to support 'account activation by email' module - it is not required to confirm account created with google login module.
- added support of authentication page hook in PrestaShop 1.7.x
- improved register process of customers, module executing hook related to customer register process
- added feature to display list of customers that created an account with google login plugin
- added fixes to shoppingCart.tpl appearance
- started to log changes in the module with this changelog
- added support of PrestaShop 1.7 so it is the first available google register / connect for PrestaShop 1.7
- added improvements to customer register process in database
- added improvements to customer identification in db
- added support of many new hooks (also hooks available in PS 1.7 only)
To jest link do strony demo, gdzie można przetestować proces logowania. Moduł jest skonfigurowany tak, aby nie wysyłać powiadomień o utworzeniu konta klienta. Klient nie ma również możliwości zmiany swojego hasła - dzięki temu, logowanie takiego klienta (który zarejestrował się kontem google) odbywa się wyłacznie za pomocą logowania google. (oczywiście można to zmienić w konfiguracji modułu)